Friday, January 30, 2009


People have questioned me about how I think we have created a generation too soft to face the hard times ahead, that the times are going to be much worse than need be because too many people are wimps, weenies. Check out this four-minue video, which helps to explain what I mean:

Meanwhile, please contact your US Senators about voting no on the stimulus boondoggle. We don't even have to go back to the 1930s to see government spending doesn't work. Just go back to November and the investment bailout! That's worked just great so far, if you're an investment company executive! If the WSJ is correct, too, only 12 cents of every "stimulus" dollar will actually be for "stimulus." The rest must be for paperwork and more "bridges to nowhere." Are we really so selfish to mortgage our kids' and grandkids' futures (the trillions and trillions of dollars of debt) to make life a bit easier for us????

And consider, $1.2 trillion in "stimulus" money--about $40K for every man, woman, child--even Cody, now a month old! Why not just give us the money, each of us? Talk about lining of votes for the next election--who would vote against someone who just gave you $40,000? Or, if we limit the recipients to 18 and older, it's over $70K. I want one of those 5 million jobs to be created by the stimulus package. If my calculator is correct, each job will earn about $400,000. That is, less paperwork and....

What was it, "shameful and disgusting" BO said about the bonuses the financial execs were getting from the bailout money. Yes, it is, very much so. I wonder if he knows his own Sec of the Treasury, you know, the guy who "forgot" to pay his federal taxes!, received a half million dollar bonus when he left his gov't job to accept the Treasury position. $500,000 bonus for leaving a government job! Perhpas BO doesn't have the same definitions of "shameful and disgusting" that I have????

If you think this stuff is bad, wait until Al Franken gets his seat in the US Senate!!!!!

And don't believe all that positive comparison between BO and Abe Lincoln. It's all a crock. If you want to see an essay, let me know.

Out to play Dora Memory with Ashley.

1 comment:

guslaruffa said...

I saw that video. To me, it is so simple but makes so much sense. What people have to realize is how slowly all of that snuk up on us. All of those impatient habits did not happen over night. Little by little they crept.
Yesterday I saw where Google is offering a service that you can be tracked by anybody by the use of your cell phone. HELLO 1984. What the hell is wrong with people. Parents say they will use it to keep their kids safe. Teach them to be responsible in the first place and you wont have to track them every second. Anybody that signs up for that should have their heads examined. Wait till the Doctor in the Delivery room shoots the chip in the back of your neck. My God that lights me up!