Friday, February 27, 2009

World Upside Down

Tell me, please do, that we aren't going certifiably nuts!

Today's paper carried a column explaining how "puritanical" we've become about...get this, I'm not making it Yes, eating at the all-you-can-eat buffet now carries a stigma, but casual and frequent sex doesn't. Of course, the country is fat and, even, obese and severely out of shape. But, as the column points out, almost 4 in 10 babies today is born out of wedlock. In the black community it's closer to 8 in 10! Consider, one, the costs of that, socially and economically. Also consider, the message we are sending. We have become a nation of absolute fools.

There was also a letter from Wis Dem Sen Russ Feingold, one I literally laughed out loud about. He claimed to be a Progressive who believes in more democracy. So, I guess, that's why he sponsored the Feingold-McCain Act, the greatest assault on freedom of speech in who knows how long.

I suppose if we hear things enough we believe they are true. "Stimulus" package--yeah, right. There's only one thing that is "stimulating." We have become a nation of absolute fools. Didn't I just hear that recently????

I'll have to look into this one, but it sounds about right. If the BO package goes into effect, a family will gain $13/week. But, does the BO package override/supercede the scheduled Bush tax cuts, another of which is about to kick in? If so, we will lose $41/week in more cash in our pay checks, not stolen by Uncle Sam. Let's see, I might not even need my calculator with this one--would I rather save $13/week or $41/week? I'll bet $28 we don't hear that one from any of our looney-tune legislators!!!!

Fairness/Schmairness Doctine! I should be able to listen to what I want on the radio. Oh, I hear all these "anointed," who, remember, are a lot smarter than you and I, tell us about the "public airwaves." Hmmmm. What about the public "airwaves" ABC, CBS, NBC, et al use? What about the "public dollars" all the PBS/NPR stations get? Will they also have to be "fair?" And what about our colleges and universities, supposedly the hallowed halls where all ideas can enter the marketplace of free thought? Right, go ahead and try to get a conservative speaking in Ann Arbor or just about any place outside of Hillsdale. (Remember, the schools--public schools, K-12, and colleges--are the least tolerant of "other" ideas.)



Robb Taylor said...

Its official, BO has turned into George Bush…..

GB did a some things that I agreed with and a lot that I disagreed with. One thing he did, that I don’t believe you can argue, is that he took advantage of the fear in this country after Sept 11 to push through an agenda that would most likely not have gotten through otherwise. Any Senator or Congressperson that had objections kept quiet, because the country was scared/pissed. BO has learned from that lesson… now the county might not be so scared if he and his cabinet was not on TV every day telling us how bad it is, and how we are going to fall into an economic abyss if we don’t spend an OBSEANE amount of money on programs, that by the way will not work. So BO will take advantage of the fear to pass an agenda that no rational thinking (by that I mean one who wants to get re-elected) elected official will oppose. The biggest problem is that most people realize that this is a shitload of money, but they think someone else is going to pay for it…. OK even if the “rich” have to pay for it, don’t you think that you will feel some pain… I put far more trust in the American public to spend money and stimulate the economy then I do the government.

I agree with you on the government rewarding poor choices.. case in point, Octo-mom.

If I lived in California I would sue the Doctor. that implanted the egg’s in her. I am speechless at his stupidity. She obviously had mental issues, the Doctor, should have been thinking clearly, but what did he care, I am sure he got paid.
When Jackson and Brady were born, I received a nice fat bill from the hospital, which I paid. I read her bill for the care of her litter will be over 1 MILLION dollars. Of course she won’t pay and the state of California will be held hostage for the bill.

Of course I would like more children, the joy they give you is beyond words. But I also want to be able to provide for them. So because I am responsible enough to realize the limits I have to provide for my own children, I will now have my tax money spent to provide for other peoples irresponsible choices.

Once upon a time I was concerned about my kids and grandkids with the HUGE debt the county is racking up. I am now concerned about myself. This debt will crush us. What happens when the rest of the world stops buying our debt…..

What do I know. I am pissed that the people in this country let this happen, everyone is to lazy, stupid to care, but when the shit hits the fan they will all have their hand out for help.

Shame on us all.

Ron Marinucci said...

Right on the money!!!!