Tuesday, March 3, 2009

At It Again!?!?

I see BO appointed another tax scofflaw. This guy, as Trade Commissionar/Czar (that seems to be the current "buzzword"), owes tens of thousands of back taxes over a number of years ago. That's OK. BO doesn't even cringe at this any more. He knows the people don't care; he doesn't care. We just let all this crap happen. Where is the outrage???? Imagine one of us proles vs the IRS if we were thousands in arrears???? Do you think we could say, "Oh, we're sorry" and get appointed to some cushy gov't job? Yep, I do, too. Right.

BTW, this reflects BO's entire philosophy, I think. Give away other people's money.... He and his ilk shouldn't have to do it. Do you think there's a reason why his tax cut-off is $250K??? Hint: how much do members of Congress and the Cabinet make? Yet we buy into this stuff. If all of these so-called angry people would quit calling into the radio talk shows and get their calls, e-mails, snail mails, etc. to DC instead, maybe they could make a difference. It did with the illegal immigration scam (which, by the way, is soon to reappear and who dare opposes amnesty?).

People talk about greed, the greed of the CEOs, the athletes, etc. Yep, it is/was there, no doubt. But they never talk about the greed of the do-nothings who take government handouts, that is, get something for nothing. Is it really true that 40% of the nation doesn't pay taxes???? Isn't freeloading being greedy? It sure is. Oh, I'm so "mean-spirited."

I guess it's like my views on the schools, that "It's for the kids" is pure garbage. I think any district that pays (overpays!) its superintendent more than $150K shouldn't get state aid. I think that any district that pays (overpays!) administrators more than $100K shouldn't get state aid. Should I mention teachers, at least the rotten ones? I think our prisons should be stark, no televisions, no workout rooms, no movies, food barely above bread and water. If anyone(s) protest(s), let them go hungry. If they refuse to do the work I would demand, no meals. Hey, I didn't ask them to rape, rob, assault, steal, murder, etc. There I do, being "mean-spirited" again.

It's our own fault, electing people like this. It's our own fault, falling asleep while the Reids, Pelosis, Levins, Kennedys, Stabenows, Kerrys, etc. turn what was once great into what isn't so great (or soon won't be--but I fervently hope I'm wrong). I was going to pick on Detroit voters for Monica Conyers, Kwame, etc., but I can't. Look what Michigan voters did with Granholm, Stabenow, Levin, et al and what voters across the US did with BO (yes, and Bush 43), Hillary, etc.

1 comment:

guslaruffa said...

Test, one two, three