Wednesday, March 17, 2010

"Jumpin' Up and Down!"

Four things that I'm, as one of my jr high teachers would say, "jumpin' up and down" about today. (Gee, you remember that long ago, the Ice Ages?)

One, I don't get it, not at all. Why do we acquiesce over Muslims commplaints when we, the West, draw(s) political/editorial cartoons about Islam or Muhammad, yet don't raise a peep when Christianity is defamed? The Dutch cartoonists drew Muhammad at the Pearly Gates. He greeted suicide bombers with the message, "Sorry, we've run out of virgins." There is a great deal of truth and thought in that. First, what kind of religion rewards suicide bombers, those who deliberately kill innocents, not as residuals, but deliberately? Second, what kind of religion offers virgins as rewards? (And where are the Western feminists? They are more concerned if I use the term "chairman" or "chairwoman" instead of "chairperson." How about "chairone?") Third, "Paradise" has used up its allotment of "virgins?" What does that tell us about the number of suicide bombers? Yet, we get all worked up, not about Islam, but about offending Muslims!!!!! Certainly we can't be offended at suicide bombings--nosireee. Yet, in the US, what masquerades as serious art has, recently, included "Piss Jesus" and "Dung Mary." Again, several things about this. First, is this really "art?" C'mon, no it isn't. Second, is this what we want to reflect on our society, its (and our) values? I have no problem with some perverts creating this junk. But, one, let's speak out against it, vociferously. Two, let's boycott any art studios/museums (and what studio or museum would display such crap?) that exhibit junk like this. Three, let's make sure no taxpayer dollars, NONE!, goes to these weirdos. Let's let them be, literally, "starving artists." Think about this--cartoons (with all kinds of lessons for us, the truth revealed) v junk using excrement. The scum bags get free passes with cries of "freedom of expression," while the Dutch get the fickey-doo. Folks, unless we speak up, this is us.

I am not a big fan of driving. I've never really enjoyed it and see it, mostly, as a conveyance. Rarely, have I ever just gone "for a drive" for fun. That said, why do people sometimes go so slowly? I am not a speed demon and people even make fun of how slowly I drive--they have for years. But, more and more, I see the Slows out on the roads. These aren't people adhering to the speed limit. They are fine and, indeed, should be commended. Those I'm talking about go 10-15 mph under the limit (for instance, this AM, doing 30 in a 45 zone). Isn't that dangerous, as dangerous as going 5 or 10 mph over the limit? And, it takes forever to get somewhere. It's not just going too slowly; it also means getting stopped at more traffic lights. My 50-55 min drive to Clawson more often than not now takes 70 mins or more. Grrr.....

And, last but not least, groceries. Twice in recent trips to the store, I witness people getting their groceries with food stamps, gov't checks, whatever they are. Why do I see so many with roasts, even steaks? Why are so many with name-brand cookies, cereals, etc.? Why aren't they buying the Meijers brand soda instead of the Coke or Pepsi, not even on sale? Again, I don't quite get it. When Karen and I were first married, a couple of times a week, dinner was Chunky Soup on rice (and not instant Minute Rice, but the cheaper stuff that has to be boiled for half an hour). That's what we could afford, esp if we wanted to save money. Her mother thought that was terrible, just terrible, and told me about it. I didn't let that bother me; besides, we didn't mind it. I guess it's easier to spend other people's money.

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