Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Just Curious

Suppose we all finally just said, "NO!" What if we decided not to pay our taxes until the politicians stopped spending like fanatics? What if we decided we wouldn't obey the laws the politicians, but most of us don't, want? Whay if we just said, "NO!"

What if we demanded that the "anointed," be they the politicians, the Hollywood-types, the mainstream media, the university intellectuals, or whoever knows what's "best" better than the rest of us do, live like they talk? What if we demanded that they live in houses like us, struggled to pay the bills like we do, etc. and live on the money we live on? I guess this can go to all those who favor government "doing something." Instead of raising taxes on everyone, what if we demanded that those who insist on "doing something" pay for everything or at least the "something?" Surely, then, they will spout something like "fair share," as if they had a monopoly on the definition of "fair."

I am not talking about charity here, not at all. But donations to charity should be voluntary, not coerced. (Perhaps, soon, it's time to look at the schools' new mandatory volunteer requirements, such as community service, for graduation. Although it's a laudable goal, that is community service, making it "mandatory" is wrong. And, if I do say so myself, it's not as if the schools do a good job at what they are supposed to be good at--education. Nope.) And, much of this gov't spending isn't "charity." Unless we've expanded the definition of the word, paying for the mistakes of others, silly and even stupid mistakes, isn't "charity." And, like the schools, it's not as if government has a great track record on what it does.

Out to play with the Codester outside--a beautiful early afternoon.

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