Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Sometimes I think I'm missing something (no, not a brain, though maybe that's so). I "just don't get it." This time it's the mosque-building near the World Trade Center bombings. I blogged about this several times, but....

If I have this right, NYC mayor Bloomberg doesn't want to look into who is funding the mosque construction, but Speaker Pelosi does want to look into who is funding opposition to building it. is that it? Huh???? (Although I find much to disagree with in Jonah Goldberg's Liberal Fascism, what he rights explains this to a tee.)

And the President talks of this as an issue of "religion freedom," likening it to the beliefs of our Founding Fathers. He must not have taken any US History courses at Columbia (if he really attended) and Harvard. I have also noted before that he doesn't seem to be the brightest bulb on the block (although the media would have us think he's the reincarnation of Albert Einstein--he's not). It's interesting that I read two online op-ed pieces this AM that suggested Obama isn't all that bright, using some of the arguments I have in this blog. No, I'm not blowing my own horn; I just think his intellectual deficiencies are pretty obvious.

Let's remember to "take out the garbage" in November!

1 comment:

Jeff Long said...

I read your blog frequently and enjoy your perspective. I agree with the majority of what you write (i.e. politicians, dumb Americans, etc); however, I think you're missing the primary issue re: the NYC "Mosque".

This whole saga is a massive distraction. It's being used to incite anger and hate of muslims amongst the American populace. The MSM and right-wing Neo-cons are pounding the war drums. Our economy is far, far worse off than you can ever imagine. This will not end well.

On another note, I recommend checking out "The Fourth Turning" by William Strauss and Neil Howe. As a student of history, I'm sure you will appreciate the perspective these authors bring to the topic. The book was written in 1998, and so far the author's predictions appear remarkably prescient.