Can it get any muggier out there? Just sitting in the shade on the deck, reading a book, and I was covered with "schweat." Of course, Matt would say, "If you'd sweat like a normal person...."
If my math is correct, 1 out of 7 (14%) of Americans have a Social Security Number that is held by at least another person. Some have half a dozen or more who have the same SSN! Isn't that just great? And we are supposed to trust these people, who have already ruined Social Security and Medicare, with our health system?
Speaking of ObamaCare, a letter-to-the-editor in today's newspaper extolled the new health care plan as "beneficial." Well, "beneficial" to whom? I wonder if it's a coincidence that the letter's author runs a major, a very major, hospital in Detroit. I wonder how much gov't money, right now through Medicare and Medicaid, his hospital gets--and how much more it gets because gov't is involved. "Beneficial?" Hmmm.... Is that beneficial to the 85-90% of Americans who already have health insurance? If the gov't just bought health insurance for the 10-15% who don't have it, I wonder if that would be cheaper, a lot cheaper, than this monstrosity of a bill. After all, had the gov't just bought out the failed mortgages of those unable (or unwilling, probably a lot more than one might reckon, those who saw a chance to take advantage of the system) to pay, it would have been cheaper than the buyout.
Did you see the film clips of the AZ Congresswoman who asked Gen Petraeus if his war effort was "green enough," "friendly to the environment?" Who is this Bozo? How did she get elected? That said, I think we have a number of elected representatives here in Michigan who are equally "Bozo-like."
How did Bill Lucas, when he ran for governor in '86, I think, get trounced by Bill Blanchard 68% to 32%????? Lucas had experience, smarts, is black (Detroit, were you paying attention? That's not me, but you from your words, your voting records, etc.), and was an ideal candidate. Is it just that he switched parties, from Dem to Rep? Are voters that blindly allegiant to the parties? If so, that is frightening.
Can we really "throw out the trash" (thanks for the term, Ron Bussey!) in November? I'm not sure the primary results indicate that voters will do that. I hope so. But it's not enough to just replace the Bozos with people who won't do the same things; we need to elect those who will repeal all of the deleterious legislation before it's too late.
Can you imagine a principal of a public school writing, "Send there records to...?" I can and I can't. Practically, surely I can. But, in my heart, I can't. Don't these people have educations? Are they that ignorant? Regardless, they are running the public schools--into the ground, recent acclamations of higher test scores be damned. (I've written about test scores and their rotten influences on real quality education. But, of course, it's the education-types' fault; they ruined the schools so much, they couldn't be trusted. Hence, the cry for testing.) But who ever listens(ed) to me? Mr. Mung is just "negative," "not a team player," etc. Meanwhile, those ruining the schools go merrily along--"La la la la la...." and nobody is any the wiser (or cares).
So, what is the prosecutor in Detroit doing bringing charges against the guy who shot and killed someone who broke into his house to steal things? What a joke! One might argue that a person breaking and entering doesn't deserve to die. Then he shouldn't chance Fate by breaking into another's house, stealing things. And what about the terror the criminal brought into the homeowners' lives, the fear every time they enter their (or "there" in "principal spelling") homes? I suppose that doesn't count for anything? Oh, I'm sorry--the felon probably had a hard life or a difficult childhood or was really a nice guy except for this. Yeah, right.
Oh, there's more, but....
Friday, August 13, 2010
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