Friday, December 24, 2010

Fri Musings

I don't often agree with former state superintendent Tom Watkins, but he had a great column in today's newspaper. In essence, he wrote that, if Americans want to continue to have the country they have, with its freedoms, wealth, etc., they're going to have to work for it. It won't come easy. I believe he described too many Americans as "fat and comfortable." Good for Mr. Watkins!

And, in the spirit of the Christmas season, here's this gem. (No, I don't make up this stuff!) Apparently an Oklahoma bank, a private bank, had some Chris display, "Merry Chris" or something like that. The Federal Reserve, overseeing its duty (read that facetiously!), told the bank to remove it, citing some regulations. First, whose stupid "regulations" were these? Second, what ding-a-ling at the Fed was stupid enough to apply/enforce them? Such an innocuous matter, yet other religions, e.g., Islam, are left unfettered, e.g., women wearing burkhas so their identities are hidden, say, in courts of law. Fortunately, enough people were aroused to contact their US Sen and Congressman, who stepped in and got the Fed to rescind its silly directive. But, the question remains, how did any of this get anywhere? Stupid people making stupid regulations that other stupid people blindly enforce. BTW, to whom, really, is the Fed responsible?

Also, while I'm at it.... How about that Cal pilot who demonstrated the folly of some TSA regulations? Apparently, flight personnel undergo rigorous TSA scrutiny, while mechanics, baggage loaders, etc. merely need to swipe a card, forgoing any similar scruting, to get access to planes. Again, your federal gov't at work.

It's nice to see that John Conyers is going to reimburse for the inappropriate use of a gov't-funded SUV. Yet, two big questions remain. Why is the gov't paying over $12oo a month for a Congressman's wheels? Can't he drive what the rest of us drive? Hey, does he still own his Ford dealership?!?! Does anyone think he's paying for any reason other than he/his son was caught?

Isn't revision wonderful? The gov is engaged in it right now. Granted, she was dealt a difficult hand; but, she knew that going in. To claim that things are better because of her two terms is preposterous, maybe worse.

I just love (yep, read more sarcasm into that) how people say things like "Let's not blame anyhone" or "Let's not dwell on the mistakes of the past and move ahead from there." How absolutely silly! Where is the accountability if we don't cast blame? If we don't recognize the mistakes others made, how can we move ahead? Shouldn't we stop people who made poor decisions in the past from making more decisions?

Time to leave....

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