Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Like almost everyone, I was initially concerned over the WikiLeaks. How irresponsible! How devastating! How dangerous! Well, after reading an article by Vasko Kohlmayer I've had second thoughts. We should have been alerted when the self-anointed elites, namely Obama and H Clinton, took off after Assange and his "leaks."

What "dangers" are really posed by them? Can it be those with whom we negotiate are naive enough not to know what we really think of them? Can it be no diplomat thinks others of his kind are devious, dishonest even?

WikiLeaks reveals more about the incompetence, dishonesty, self-centeredness, and self-serving natures of our leaders. They are exposed for what they are, not much of it good.

Maybe it's time we all reconsidered both WikiLeaks and those we so blindly elect to lead us--and consider where they have and continue to lead us.

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