Friday, January 7, 2011

The Constitution

Yes, I have seen the recent appointments Obama made to his team of "czars." Why don't people seem to catch on to the term "czars," you know, as in the Russian autocrat? Remember these guys, the ones who invented "Siberia?" It is frightening how Congress, the courts, and the people are letting the executive and his bureaucrats do end runs around gov't of the people, by the people, and for the people.

The key to everything is whether Nov's elections will have any effect. Will those elected because of voter anger have the fortitude and courage to shut down these perversions of democracy? Will they echo the voters in their shouts of "That's enough!?!?" Will they play games and say all the "right things" will continuing business as usual? There have been several of them who have postured so, declaring how "moderate" or even "conservative" they are, despite records of voting for Obama, Reid, Pelosi 90% or more of the time. Hey, if we offer free dinners to people if they'd only agree on steak or seafood or whatever, we couldn't get 90% agreement! Will our elected reps return to the Constitution and its principles of limited gov't? I hope so, but fear not.

Power has a way of being intoxicating. Look at history, as unappetizing and uncool as it is. There is a reason, from the dawn of time, through the centuries, people have risked their lives and those of others--power. In our democracy, the "elites" have become intoxicated. Will they give up, willingly, the seat of power? It would take one of great moral fortitude and courage to do so, one who believes in the principles of limited gov't. Do you really think a Levin, a Stabenow, a Dingell, a Conyers, etc. would do so, esp when each of them believes he/she knows what is best for us, that he/she is smarter than we are?

I believe their ilk and the courts cringe at the idea that invoking the principles of the Constitution would limit, if not end, their increasing expansion of big government, of infringements on individual rights (not entitlements, etc.). Congress, the President, the bureaucrats, even the courts are not empowered to do whatever they like, whenever they like, just because they have been elected or appointed by Constitutional means. For instance, use of the Constitution's Commerce Clause by recent Congresses and Presidents, interpreted incorrectly by the courts, has been shameful, dishonest.

Note my previous comments on "dishonesty," be it with the media, politicians, local school boards, or what. Certainly we can disagree over some of the Constitution, esp its applications 220+ years after it was written. But honesty in terms of interpretation doesn't mean "everything goes," "all's fair...." etc. Hardly. Because something is supposed to make others "feel good" doesn't mean it is Constitutional. Because something makes others "feel "uncomfortable" doesn't mean it is unconstitutional.

As I've said before, none of this will affect me personally. I'll be dead soon enough. But for the future of young Americans, most namely my kids and grandkids, I am concerned. I want them to have all of the opportunities, all of the liberties I've had. Again, if you don't believe me, if you think I'm paranoid, some conspiracy nut, just read through the papers. If some gov't bureaucracy can force you to buy some kind of insurance, can make it so you can't buy a Happy Meal, what's next?

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