Sunday, January 30, 2011


With all the nice things, there are still reminders that not all is well in the world. Let's just use a couple of examples, at least until tomorrow. First, some U of M professor publicly came out in favor of cutting Michigan's population to about 2.7 million. That's about 25% of current population numbers. How does this guy keep his job? How'd he get it in the first place? Well, he should, then, lead by example--and go first! What if people, under his plan, don't leave? What then? Forced migration or worse? Reminds me of the typical do-gooders, who are quick to use other people's money for their projects, but viciously hold on to their own cash. Hypocrites all.

And what about the local school board (yeah, we're back on them--apparently nobody has taken Mark Twain at his word yet, 100+ years later!)? After forming public committees to examine possibilities of closing a building or two, it rejected the recommendations because the recs didn't match up with their predetermined ideas--that's the only possibility isn't it? So, they justified this, in looking for other, not recommended buildings to close, it has become, "It's not about money. It's about the kids." Yeah, right--they are dishonest or stupid, take your pick, but one or the other. First, c'mon, it's never really "about the kids" unless that happens to coincide, just accidentally, with their agendas. And, if it's not "about the money," then why are they even thinking about closing a building? There's no reason to do so, none.

I wrote a lengthy reply to a really ill-considered op-ed piece last week about tenure. I'm tired now, but maybe I'll post it here tomorrow. Out....

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