Sunday, February 13, 2011

Sun Thoughts

I read a column today in which the author took science teachers to task for subverting the "truth" by skirting the teaching of evolution and stressing or giving equal time to creationism, a term which has been polluted and is now often called "intelligent design." He cited a study in which teachers, in significant numbers (more than 60%) admitted as much. There is much in here to concern one interested in the state of education. Seriously, does the story of Adam and Eve really compare to evolution (and, no, "your grandfather was a monkey" is not evolution)? Do these teachers really tell students they don't care what students believe, just know it for the test? Is that the state test? What lousy education if it is! And, I wonder if the author also finds the teaching of "man-made global warming" to be equally dishonest? Does he think "the science is established" (it's not, not at all)? Interesting article with many deeper issues.

How long will the gov and others continue with the deception of claiming public employees are overpaid, particularly relative to private sector employees? Study after study shows this isn't true. Private sector workers with BAs get anywhere from 10% to 21% more pay than public employees with BAs. Even if perks such as health insurance and retirement are included, public compensation is not as high as that in the private sector. Now, one might say many of the degrees in the private sector aren't real ones, that degrees in education are fake, but that's a different story. So, is the new gov as deceptive and disingenuous as his predecessors? I'm beginning to wonder.

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