Sunday, March 20, 2011

Weekend Thoughts

Spring is knocking at the door. We had four or five really nice days over the past week. But, this AM, the realization hit me that winter is almost over. And, I'm probably the only one who feels this way, I was saddened. I don't mind winter and will miss it, esp its white beauty. I even appreciate the stark browns and grays of the winter landscape. And I'll miss shoveling snow--I know, "That's sick!" But spring will be beautiful, too. I'm looking forward to more runs through the state park on its trails and getting out on my bike! I can take the kids to "a park" more often, to0--Ash and the Codester and I went last week and had fun (at least it was a struggle to get them to leave!).

I wonder if the soda manufacturers have figured out that their sales are down quite a bit because they have increased the prices a lot????? A 12-pack on sale previously would run about $2 or maybe $2.5o. Now, the sale price is 3 for $12. No wonder people are turning elsewhere for their refreshments.

I suppose I should give them some time, but I haven't heard any of the war protests yet. We attack Libya--no direct threat, none at all to the US there--and nary a peep. Interesting how "Bush lied," he and American soldiers were likened to Nazis, Bush and his Cabinet were labeled "war criminals" among other things, etc. Now, Obama has launched his attacks. Is Khaddafy any nastier than Saddam Hussein and his sons? Is Libyan oil any different from that of Bahrain? Are demands for democracy/freedom from the Libyans any more compelling than those of the Iranians? Etc, etc, etc. So, what is the rationale for the current attacks? How do they differ from Bush's attacks? This isn't the first authorized use of US military forces by Obama, but I don't remember the massive protests of past years. Hmmm.... Gee, I wonder if the bogus Nobel Peace Prize has anything to do with it????? Surely that proves Obama is a man of peace? And, to digress a bit, how interesting that the UN asked for military intervention against Khaddafy when the UN installed Libya (read "Khaddafy") on its Human Rights Committee. Apparently loons can be found everywhere.

1 comment:

Jeff Long said...

I'm just curious....where does Barry "Globalist Sock Puppet" Obama rank in your list of best U.S. Presidents?