Thursday, August 4, 2011

Some thoughts...

...before cleaning the garage for the "big" garage sale next week--yep, I have my official "Garage Sale Kit," too!

There's a story in the newspaper today about some guy who was arrested for road rage. He tail-gated, rammed a car, and got out and assaulted the car with some woman inside. According to the story, the guy has, only since 2005, had 8 tickets, 5 to 7 accidents (I can't tell from the story), including fleeing from one, and several other violations pending court action. The article said this guy was given his license back in April. Why????? And, why isn't the guy in jail? Now, this correlates to a series in the newspaper a week or so ago about a judge who is, apparently, a hardcase, sending first-time DUIs to jail regardless of what the driver blew. So, does this judge also send those who run stop signs and red lights to jail? What about those who speed in excess of, say 20 mph, of the limit? So, to this judge, having two beers is more of a threat to society than running a red light or doing 90 in a 70 zone? "Harebrained" is the word I would like to use. This judge apparently doesn't believe in the American principle of each person his day in court--with the emphasis on "each." Perhaps a fellow judge or the judicial tenure commission could have a talk with her. Of course, who can argue with SADD or MADD? It's like the trite, stale line the education establishment always throws out, "It's for the kids!" Bologna and Baloney!

I see Congress has already spent 60% of the increase it passed in the debt ceiling! Yep, it took one whole day to spend $24 BILLION. And we're supposed to trust these boobs to fix matters? Boy, are we stupid if we do! "The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves."

And there was an op-ed about the Tea Partiers. They have been the targets of name-calling, some name-callers going so far as to suggest the Tea Partiers are "terrorists." Such stupidity has apparently come from members of Congress (as if they have a lot of room to talk!) and, allegedly, the VP (see the previous parenthetical aside). I immediately thought one thing--not a defense or criticism of the TPs. I was reminded that small minds call names. Name-calling is easier than forming rational thoughts, engaging in dialogue, etc. I have had conversations with who I thought were fairly intelligent people and they quickly jumped into the name-calling of the TPs "racists," "bigots," etc. I guess giving them the benefit of the doubt was a mistake on my part. It all reminds me of the shallow minds who ran/run the schools. Rarely, if ever, did they defend what they were doing in the face of opposition or criticism. They just name-called--or ignored and ostracized.

I'm still stuck on the prices at the Tiger game! Again, $4 for a hot dog and $4.50 for a bag of peanuts! Talk about greed!!!!! If the oil companies were that greedy, gas would be $200 a gallon!

Another columnist wrote about light bulbs. Although she apparently doesn't like the inconvenience, the new "energy saving" bulbs are required to save the planet. The arrogant elitist environmentalists and they Congressional lackeys are going to save us from ourselves! They are smarter than we are. Of course, the science behind the new bulbs v incandescents is brushed aside. And so is the idea of individual choice. By the way, better enjoy that Big Mac or steak or beer or...while you can. You need to be saved from yourself.

Out to the garage....

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