Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Tuesday Afternoon

Nice name for a song title....

Taking a break from a little one-on-one with Bopper. We've each won a game and the tie-breaker is up next. But someone asked for a rest--guess who? I'd better make this quick, though, before rigor mortis sets in!

I sent around an e-mail a few days ago and including an article about Pres Obama's rather mediocre intelligence. Indeed, I've blogged quite a bit how I can't understanding the fawning over "how smart," "how articulate," etc. he is--he isn't, not at all! I don't think he's a dummy--after all, he defeated the Clinton Machine--but he's far from "the smartest President since T. Jefferson," "the most articulate President...." And, just coincidentally, two articles appeared today, online, covering the same material. I think they are a bit harsher than I am, but pretty much hit the nail on the head.

I read another column this AM in which the reporter likens Obama to former Mich Gov Granholm. She says he makes the same mistake she did--"She was too nice." Hmmmm.... I'd agree they make the same mistake(s), but being "too nice" isn't one of them. It leads one to wonder how some of these reporters get columns, being so out of touch with reality, unable to see the obvious, blatantly partisan. But, it's a good thing I read this column--it reminded me why I so rarely read it.

Mitch Albom had a good article in the Sun magazine, Parade or USA Weekly? He talked about kids' disappearing summers. We're so intent on sending them to this camp, to that clinic, taking this enrichment course or that remedial class.... He correctly points out that we deprive them of a real gift of summer vacations--the ability to really do nothing but help find yourself. What time remains for dreaming and wondering, for experimenting, for talking with friends about all those things? Albom was very insightful, but, as usual with good ideas, his will likely be ignored. He also touched upon another bugaboo of mine--giving elementary school kids homework! Oh, I've written about this before, too. Nobody listens....

And a great letter-to-the-editor in the OP this weekend, just great!!!!! Reading it was like living my life in the high school again! Great letter-to-the-editor I read this AM in Sun's paper!!!!! I think I'll send it to the HVS board administrators and each of the board members. Of course, I'm not stupid enough to think it will do any good, but I'm still sending it. I at least want them to know what I think of them. Anyway, the letter notes that not just kids are being bullied in today's schools. Read this: "Apparently principals are the biggest bullies targeting strong teachers for 'control reasons.' They often make the work environment so uncomfortable that teachers feel isolated because colleagues will avoid them for fear they could be targeted, too." It concludes with, "...this morally offensive behavior that includes sabotage, verbal abuse, and shunning because it affects the health of our educators and sets an extremely poor example for our youth." When I read this aloud to K, she said--you guessed it! That's what they do--that's what they did to me!!!!! And that's what's happened to the best three or four teachers at K's school. Now, granted, not all of the best/good teachers are targeted, just those who question the garbage that passes for policy and programs. What was best for me in reading this was that other people know!!!!! They know the dimwits try this crap on "strong teachers" to try to silence them into acquiesence and compliance--or at least silence. Like I always said, "I have to eat their crap, too, just like the rest of you teachers. But at least I don't bring my own spoon." Can you imagine the union, after all the cuts, layoffs, etc. teachers have found themselves subjected to, staying quiet in the face of hiring another administrator in this economic climate? Well, yes, I can imagine it. In fact, I can't imagine the district's teachers's union not staying quiet. After all, "we don't want to upset them (the administration/school board)." But, I mean a real union? Imagine how this would play in the newspapers? Imagine if teachers weren't such dung-eaters, they stopped doing all the unpaid extras--ice cream socials, sponsorships, and, well, you know them all? I guess in a way I'm still amazed I get so worked up over this crap. In a way, though, I'm not surprised. I hate losing to dishonesty, stupidity, etc.--and I did lose and will continue to lose because nobody cares--not parents, not the community, not teachers, not former teachers, nobody. Oh, politicians posture, but then do some stupid stuff, too--like NCLB or the teacher tenure act in Michigan.

You know, Phooey's is still a great, great restaurant! I've never been to a better Chinese place. If the won ton soup and egg roll were heavenly (and they almost were!), the pork fried rice certainly was! Oh, yummy. And, tonight? We're taking Matt to Antonio's before he heads back to LV tomorrow. BTW, there is hope for education, however slim, as long as people like him (and Carrie and others) are involved.

Out to "whup" Bopper in the tie-breaker.

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