Wednesday, December 21, 2011

And nobody cares....

I see where the federal gov't gave China about $19 million for some educational and/or cultural programs this year. Let's ignore why we are giving the commies anything. But, you might ask, where did we get teh $19 million? Good guess--we borrowed it from China!

And I see where Country Wide, the big lender that went broke, paid some $300 million "settlement" for its role in the housing market collapse. Two items: First, why was the former CEO permitted to get a $400 million parachute, with an agreement he'd never work in the banking industry again? (Think about that one!) Second, where is the investigation and subsequent penalties for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and their executives such as Franklin Raines, who also left with huge buyouts? And what about Congress and its members, say, Barney Frank and Chris Dodd?

How cool! Attorney-General Eric Holder claimed people don't like him because he's black. I'm not even sure I knew he was black--at least I never think about it. What I don't like about him is his policies.

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