Friday, December 30, 2011

Just Wondering....

How times change! I laughed as I picked up the Sports Section of this AM's newspaper, after reading everything else and then found there wasn't a single story I wanted to read!

I also saw online this AM that Time Magazine's Person of the Year is "The Protester/or." I'm not sure what that means. Why wasn't "The Protester/or" the Person of the Year in 2010? Hmmm....could it be that the "protester/or" of consequence last year was the Tea Partier? Just asking. Exacty what is it that the 2011 version in the US has accomplished? Certainly nothing compared to the Tea Partiers did in the 2010 elections. What about world-wide? That, too, is in doubt. OK, Mubarak and Ghaddafy are gone, but at what price? Who have taken their places? Ask the women in Cairo what they think of the new regime?

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