Sunday, January 29, 2012


Apparently there's some flap about an NHL goldie (I don't know his name) who doesn't want to or won't go to the White House with his team for the ubiquitous meeting with the President. I guess the guy is opposed to Obama and is making some sort of statement. Critics cry that this is disrespectful and that he should go to honor, if not the man, at least the office. Supporters cite freedom of expression. Hey, it's only some athlete, so who cares?

Anyway, that's just the prelude to my thoughts. Some columnist this AM, in the News or Free Press wrote, "...White House team championship ceremonies are generally apolitical...." Who is this guy kidding? C'mon.... Democrat or Republican, like the President or not, the entire thing is political. Can this columnist be that dense?

Of course, this guy is free to write what he wants, just like this NHLer is free to do what he wants, unless he has something in his contract that stipulates otherwise. Let the columnist write this. I just wonder how this got by his editor. No, there's nothing grammatically incorrect about it. But as my college professors frequently wrote on my papers, "No sloppy thinking allowed!" And that's what this, "...White House team championship ceremonies are generally apolitical..." is, pure and simple, "sloppy thinking."

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