Wednesday, January 18, 2012

What Have We Become?

Reading this AMs newspaper and computer headlines leads to some distressing thoughts. The first one is, "What have we become?"

There were more than several articles about people shooting other people. No, I'm not an advocate of gun control, although I think having a howitzer in one's front yard or an Uzi for target practice might be considered. Still, how have we created an atmosphere in which so many people think it's perfectly fine to open fire on others? One of the shootings was "gang-related." But the guy (with two "friends") starting blasting away at a large group of dozens of people. So, he didn't care if he shot many others, just as long as he got his gang target? Another was a former school guard who shot and killed his ex-girlfriend for seeing another man---five months after the break-up! Run that one by me again. And, at his sentencing, the guy claims he's "a good man with a good heart." Yeah, right. How does that one remind me of the oft-heard excuse, "He's/She's basically 'a good kid?'" Yeah, right. And, just keep reading the news, if you have the stomach.

Then there's the story that, despite all of the preaching that has gone on, almost 40% of US adults are "obese." That's 2 of every 5 people. For teens and younger, the percentage is nearly 20% obesity. Now, what do you think is going to happen to those kids as they age? Hmmm, they are probably a lot more active (although obviously not active enough!) now than they will be. If they are already obese, what will they become--super-obese? As I was telling a class yesterday, looking out at a number of less-than-svelt students, the government doesn't know what it is getting into with ObamaCare--it has no clue. Look at the history of Social Security for a snapshot.

Apparently, Debbie Stabenow has accumulated a huge war chest in her bid for reelection to the US Senate. That boggles my mind. Even if one despises the Republicans--and a Republican challenger hasn't yet been determined--how can one support her? I have no idea. The comments from insiders, the nickname she has acquired (even among DC Democrats) of "Do-Nothing Debbie" should be some sort of clue. One candidate once said of why voters should choose him over his opponent, "They could do worse and they probably will." Again, it's beyond me.

All in all, it's not a good way to commence the morning. I can shake the doldrums, though. The Codester and I are now about to play cars with his garage.

1 comment:

matt said...

A girl was shot and killed at a party last weekend. There were, reportedly, 80 people at this party. Nobody will come forward and say who shot the girl.