Wednesday, February 15, 2012


A former state school superintendent has become a consultant and sycophant for the Chinese, both the people and the government. Perhaps the geopolitical situation trumps all and we really have to do business with the Chinese, but there are things I think about.

First, although this guy claims he has many friends in China and has even eaten dinner at their houses (yeow!), don't we have to realize that China right now isn't its people, but its government--the Commies? Shouldn't we think about trading with a government that allows just one child per family and aborts any others, a government that still imprisons those who voice dissent, a government that runs over its people with tanks? Why would we trade high-tech equipment and information with a government whose intent is to destroy us, at least destroy how we live? I guess I'd ask that question of US companies, too. I know the answer, of course. "We make money in China!" And making money trumps all.

Still this former superintendent's shilling (this is far from the first time) for the Chinese is troublesome. Has he thought about these questions? If he has, has he dismissed them? Is there no concern for what this says about dealing with such a gov't? Maybe there's no relationship, but I think this guy's current stance on China trade explains a lot about the state schools under his tenure. Maybe not and, once again, I am out of touch.

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