Tuesday, February 7, 2012


I think I've decided. I refuse to "hold my nose" and vote for a Presidential candidate whose chief asset is he's not as bad as the other guy. Nope, I am not going to do it again. I think the Republicans better heed that, since I think I'm not the only one. Can you say "Third Party?"

So, some quarterback's wife, in the face of criticism of her husband, complained about his receivers not being able to catch the ball. I suppose she could have kept quiet. But she was defending him. Does she have any idea what she is talking about? If so, then go see the receivers who were dropping the ball. Who cares? What about the classless opponent's fans? Why aren't they being criticized for getting into her face? But, all in all, who cares?

I don't understand how the federal government can compel a religion/religious group, namely the Catholics, to provide money for birth control/abortions to people receiving assistance from the Catholics. How about it's time we all just said, "NO!??????" This should be front-page material each and every day until it's stopped. What are the chances of the Lamestream Media taking the administration to task? Right.... Of course, perhaps it is the Church's own fault. After all, it wasn't too far back when the mission to save souls received company--calls for government to spend money to remedy social and economic "unfairness." Now, the chickens are coming home to roost? Government, now, is doing just that, trying to deal with what it perceives as social and economic "unfairness." (I heartily disagree, but that's not the point.) The Catholic Church made its bed and now....

Speaking of Catholics, how can members of the Church be outspoken critics of its policies, namely that prohibiting abortion, and still consider themselves to be "good Catholics?" They write letters to the editor all of the time. "I'm a good Catholic, but I believe in abortion...." "I'm a good Catholic, but I believe a woman has the right to do with her body what she wishes." (So, do they also condone prostitution? How about drug usage? After all, if it's a woman's body....) Either they believe what the Church professes or they aren't members and should find another church. How great it would be to say, "I'm a good Catholic, but I don't believe in prohibitions against adultery. So, I'm going to have a million affairs." How silly....

I must really be out of touch--with everything! First, I heard folks again today saying what an "awesome," "great" halftime show the Super Bowl had. I found nothing at all "awesome" or "great" about it. It was rather humdrum. It wasn't particularly creative--the choreography was pretty stilted; the music wasn't live, but lip-synched and was still mediocre. And I was led to a Web site today that said that this "Met Your Mother" show was critically acclaimed and has won all sorts of awards. Granted, I've never at all watched it and have no plans to do so. But I've seen and heard some of the advertisements for it. I'd assume the ads are supposed to be highlights, to induce people to watch the show. After all, if the ads show lousy stuff, who would watch? Anyway, the ads I have seen are not at all funny, not in the least. The bit acting, granted just sound bites, I guess, is pretty bad, too. "Critically acclaimed" and "awards?" And this goes, as I was talking to a number of folks over the weekend, for a lot of other shows that, admittedly I never watch. But I see the ads and they are remarkable--for their lack of humor, drama, etc.

Out to finish making dinner--stuff pork loin, with baked Idahoes, and beans with butter. Oh, yummy!


guslaruffa said...

Yes, many Catholics have chosen the soft way to practice being a Catholic. People can justify anything in their own minds. No one can call themselves Catholic and be pro abortion. I was surprised to find out that Pope Benedict promoted the use of condoms in Africa to try to contain the wide spread of Aids, cause by men out there committing Adultry. I guess he realizes the far reaching affects of the disease.
The halftime show. When is the NFL going to get smart and stop allowing such trash as M.I.A. to perform. I don't like Madonna and I did not like the show, but at least she didn't pull that stunt. I know I sound 'old', but why is bad taste considered to be cool? Here's my solution. Park a linebacker on stage keeping an eye on things. One clown gets out of control, he takes them out. Just a thought.
And by the way, I want everyone to know that I am officially offended by everything. Doesn't matter what it is, I'm offended. So, when I see Clint Eastwood or Pete Hoekstra on TV, I am automatically offended.

Ron Marinucci said...

I'm glad to have company, Gus!