Saturday, August 4, 2012

Columnists and More

Forgive any misspellings--I am not wearing my glasses and can hardly see the screen.

Pitts had his best column in a long, long time. It was outstanding, which I wrote and told him. He stayed away from the victim angle he's adopted in the past couple of years. It's well worth reading.

Walter Williams was also great, as usual, but not always. He, again, takes on "diversity," what he calls "the stupid notion." And he uses concrete examples to shoot it down again and again. But the diversity folks never let logic or facts get in the way of their "stupid notion." Note the schools--and the people they put in charge of "diversity." Note how these folks don't permit a diversity of ideas. Of course, in this day of budget problems, there can't be any cuts to any diversity programs or positions--no, no, no. This column is also well worth reading.

Why do we spend so much gov't money on wasteful things, things that often encourage bad behavior (single parenthood, killing babies, etc.)? Yet, things we should be encouraging, such as physical exercise, get the short end of the budgetary stick? Now, I'm not in favor of more gov't spending, not at all. But if we are going to spend taxpayers' money, why do we choose the lousiest of targets? What brings this up is my bike rides of the past few days. Why don't communities or even the state spend money for bike paths, even alongside the roads? Nothing but good can come from encouraging bike riding. But, no....

I'm still considering the guy's claim last week that many of today's problems are caused by the crack cocaine epidemic of the '70s and '80s. Hmmm...... There are other things to consider, too, but maybe the guy has a point.

I see Harry Reid claims illegal doings with Romney because Romney will only release one year's tax returns. Is Reid an idiot? (Well, I think I've made my position on that one well known.) What's more important--how Romney earned and spent his own money (has there been any hint of illegality except from Reid?) or where Obama was born (you know, the little Constitutional issue of "natural-born")? I'm not a birther, but there seems to be a disconnect in what Reid and other Democrats are arguing. Romney should call the bluff--"I'll release any and all of my tax forms if Obama shows a valid US birth certificate, none of this forgery stuff." It should be easy to turn the tables on people who aren't very bright.

Again, why aren't soccer (the most popular game in the world?) and baseball (the best game in the world!) in the Olympics, but beach volleyball is? I'm not saying the VBers aren't skilled, but.... And Maria Sharapova might have been only the 2nd best in tennis, but she is easily number one in looks! Ouch!

Out to finish my yardwork before the storms that are predicted.


Grant said...

You know I love reading your blog. I do find many insights and interesting links that provide a different look at things.

However, I do have to point out that this is at least the second time you have attacked a statement that was never made. You say that, "Harry Reid claims illegal doings with Romney." No! He has not done any such thing. Show me one place where Reid has suggested that Romney did anything illegal. It hasn't happened.

Reid has simply said that a source told him Romney paid no taxes for 10 years. Nothing about that would be illegal. It just points to the fact that the very rich are able to use loopholes provided through their access to the system that benefit them at the expense of others. No one should accept that people making millions are able to pay zero income taxes through deductions for extravagant expenses ($77,000 for his dressage horse?!) and other loopholes. Romney himself told reporters he would get back to them as to whether he paid less than 13.9% yet the next day told everyone he wasn't going to answer that. I wonder why.

The whole issue would go away if Romney would release his tax returns. Considering his staunch reluctance to do so vs. the very clear costs to his campaign would lead even one who isn't too bright to wonder what he is hiding.

Secondly, you say you are not a birther but seem to indicate that you think both Obama's Certificate of Live Birth released and certified by the State of Hawaii in 2008 and his long form birth certificate released in 2011 are forgeries. I hate to tell you but if that's what you believe, you are by definition a birther!

I'd love to see Romney 'call the bluff' as you say but what is clear is that even if there were video of Obama emerging from his mother's womb with Waikiki in the background some people would still not believe it. So it goes ....

Grant said...
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Ron Marinucci said...

Reid is taking the sissy way out. In public, where he might be hit with a slander lawsuit, he makes vague charges. "He" was told by "someone" who "heard" that Romney hasn't paid taxes in ten years (or whatever the span). This was even in the Huffington Post. Do a Google search. But, on the floor of the Senate, he makes more concrete charges--and on the floor of the Congress he is protected by legislative immunity.

I fully agree with your desire to see tax returns released. My question is likely the same as yours, "What is Romney hiding?" Remember, I'm not a big Romney fan, hardly. I'm not sure I can bring myself to vote for him. I refuse to hold my nose....

That said, I guess I'd also like to see Reid's returns, something he hasn't volunteered to do either. One might argue that's a request that only Nevada residents can demand, but seeing as he's Senate Majority Leader, a national position....

Perhaps even more, where are the releases of all of Obama's records? No, I'm not a birther. I think what was released was a forgery, but that doesn't preclude a birth on US soil or, even more significant, that Obama is a US citizen by the principle of "jus sanguinus," the law of blood. If his mother is an American citizen, then so is he. I've made this argument before. But, if the Obama folks are going to insist on candor and openness (Gosh, I hate that word "transparency!"), then what's fair for the goose is fair for the gander. No, I think Obama is a US citizen; it's the refusal to release records that is grating. The records I would like to see Obama release are his college records. They would tell an interesting tale. I don't understand his reluctance, refusal to release them. What is there to hide? C'mon, I was hardly a stellar student in college at Amherst, but I'd have no reason, no shame not to open them up to the public. In fact, I'm proud that I have a degree from there and my transcripts show I earned it.

In the end, I think the US loses with this election. Neither candidate should be President. The US has managed to survive incompetents such as Buchanan and Fillmore, crooks like Nixon, and just plain rotten people like Wilson. I hope it can do the same after Nov 2012.