Friday, September 28, 2012

Fri Musings

There was an article in yesterday's newspaper about the U of M President.  The headline read, in part, "President strives to sustain academic excellence and affordability at U-M."  I don't know about the "academic excellence," but the rest of the article leaves me wondering about the "affordability."  Later, the article informs us that, when she took over, tuition was $7,298 a year.  Now, it's more than $12,800 and "the increase for out-of-state students has been even greater."  Affordability?  I guess our definitions of "affordability" differ.

Another article, in this AM's newspaper, notes that one of five families is burdened with college loan expenses.  As I've noted in earlier posts, I wonder how many of those students went to college with cars, big screen televisions, the latest cell phone gadgetry, etc.  Again, just wondering....

Yet another sign that the Apocalypse is nearly upon us.  NYC schools are offering girls 14 and older the "morning after" birth control (abortion?) pill.  Of course, the rationale is that "it provides relief and solace to a young woman or man" (yep, those are the exact words, not a kid, ah, but we do so much to have our kids grow up sooner and sooner) "who has made a mistake...." 

And the NFL referees, the regular ones, received an ovation upon their return last night--or so the newspaper recounted.  I don't watch much NFL, so I'll have to take its word for that.  How cool a couple of letters-to-the-editor said, "Who cares?"  Oh, yeah, I forgot, the "integrity of the game."  Silly rules, drugs, increasingly violent play, numerous players in trouble with the law...yep, the "integrity of the game."

Again, outside of those who get "freebies," that is other people's money from the government, and most teachers (the "sheeple" that they are), I can't imagine anyone voting for Obama.  The evidence of his ineptitude is ubiquitous.  (It's great to use that word!)  His arrogance is written all over his face and is loud and clear in his words.  His dishonesty and disingenuity are readily apparent.  His disdain for the Constitution and the rule of law are well documented--just look around at the appointment of so-called "czars" (an odd name to use in a democracy!) and the grotesque use of executive orders to circumvent the legislative process--that is government of the people, by elected representatives.  But, I guess, as Lincoln once said, "You can fool some of the people all of the time...."

As I look around and see what is going on, I am again reminded of Lincoln, who once said in the darkest days of the Civil War, "I'm too old to cry, but it hurts too much to laugh."

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