Saturday, September 29, 2012

John Dickinson

John Dickinson opposed the radical strategies of the Adams cousins, Thomas Paine and Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry, and others.  He wanted American independence, but not at the expense of a war.  The Pennsylvania delegate to the Continental Congresses spoke against the measures that, he knew, would lead to war.

Yet, he was the one asked/assigned by the Continental Congress to write the first document of governance of these new United States, the Articles of Confederation.  Why, if he had steadfastly disapproved of what most of the delegates had advocated, that is, war for independence?

The reason is a lesson for all of us today.  Dickinson was reasoned and respected.  He opposed the others, but they realized he was an honest man, one committed to independence and freedom, but through other tactics.  He was an opponent, but was treated with respect because of both his own integrity and that of his opponents.

Look at how others--the "99%," the "Tea Partiers," etc.--are disparaged.  See how they are belittled, often ignorantly, erroneously, and dishonestly.  See how they are called names, unflattering names.  Note how there is no dialogue, just name-calling. 

Then remember the story of John Dickinson...more than two hundred years ago.

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