Wednesday, July 10, 2013


The Detroit Free Press ran an editorial while we weren in Las Vegas that is very frightening as well as ignorant.  It holds that, although President Obama's recent executive order regarding "global warming" is constitutionally dubious (it's actually more than dubious), the danger of global warming justifies even unconstitutional usurpation of authority.

First, the Free Press clings to its "flat earth" thinking.  Here, read Charles Krauthammer's column on that:  And there are many others that can be found casting serious and intelligent doubt on the fears perpetrated in the name of "global warming."

More significant is the Free Press's stance on executive usurpation of power.  So, according to the FP, the ends justify the means?  That is pretty ignorant.  I've written this before, but it bears repeating.  Mussolini made the trains run on time (he actually didn't, but....) in Italy.  Hitler virually eliminated unemployment in Germany.  Stalin (forcibly) brought the USSR into the 20th Century. 

Perhaps a future President will deem that newspapers, through irresponsible reporting, biased and slanted accounts, etc., contribute to the moral decay of this country.  Therefore, using the FP's logic, the President can use his powers, unconstitutionally use his powers, to muzzle or even shut down newspapers. 

I wonder if the editors at the Free Press have ever read the story of Pandora's Box??????

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