Friday, July 5, 2013

Double Standards

I'm not certain I'm clear on the Paula Deene (sp?) controversy.  I don't know much about her and, in fact, am not sure how to spell her last name.  I know she has a television food show--or did have one.  Apparently, she was dismissed from her show and lost a number of endorsement jobs because of insensitive racial slurs uttered decades ago.  That doesn't excuse them, but were they really decades ago?  She may or may not have deserved dismissal.  Again, I don't know the specifics.

But how do those like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton keep rolling along?  Haven't they also been the focal points of racial controvesies, in bad ways?  How do some political commentators such as Bill Maher (again, I never watch him and am not sure of the spelling) get away with what they call people, esp women? Where are the women's groups when this happens?  How about the Gangsta-Rappers?

If it's not right to say something, it's not right for anyone to say it.

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