Monday, November 11, 2013

Drop, Pellet, Flake

I give an assignment in one of my history courses where students read three different accounts of what Michigan was like in the early 1800s.  The accounts vary and my questions ask if one of the pioneers is lying. If not, then why do the accounts differ so much?

Out on my run this AM I was reminded of the assignment and think I could have answered it myself!  I began my run with a bit of sunshine, not much, but some.  It felt fairly warm, enough so that I entertained the thought of a bike ride afterward, before the Codester got home from school.  Nope, those hopes were dashed about half an hour into the run.  Was that a snow flake I noticed?  Yes, it was, mixed with rain drops and ice pellets.  Drops, Pellets, Flakes all at once.  Only in Michigan?

Contrast today, then, with yesterday.  Almost all day was bright sunshine, although there was a very brisk wind, with even stronger gusts.  It was the day of the Big Bird 10K, one of my favorite road races, and upon awakening thought, "Looks like a good day for the race."  Then when getting the AM newspaper I noticed the wind, "Hawk, Almighty Hawk."  It was blowing pretty good out there and it did all day.

Now, contrast that with later today.  We are in for 1/2" to 1" of snow this afternoon and evening, that is, if the weather predictors can be trusted!  A bit farther north will be up to 4" and near the Lake Superior shoreline in the UP maybe 6-9" will fall.  Of course, none of us may get anything....  But, remember, it's Michigan.

Last week, I went out to run one AM and it was 31 degrees.  The very next morning was 61.  There was a bit of rain, but it was nice to run in shorts in November.  24 hours and 30 degrees difference.

In the back yard, most of the trees are now barren of leaves--most.  One is still brown/golden and another red, not quite flaming.  Yet another still has most of its leaves--and they are still mostly green.  And all of the trees but one are the same type of maple.

In another vein, I read an article this AM of a NJ man, homeless and destitute (Is that redundant?), who found $850 on the sidewalk.  Instead of keeping it for himself, he turned the money in to the police.  The NJ welfare folks, whatever the agency is called, found out about the discovery and cut the homeless man's benefits.  Huh?  Why on earth did that happen?  He failed to report the $850 as income!  Unless the article is all wrong, someone is lying, etc., that's what happened.  Ah, yes...government in action.

And the LameStreams never fail to disappoint me--and didn't this AM.  In an article about former Congressman Thadeus McCotter's lawsuit against one of his former aides, the "accidental Congressman" (Would anyone, even a Democrat, who won McC's seat have been characterized as "accidental?") Kerry Bentivolio was mentioned as McC's successor.  Of course, as expected, Bentivolio was identified as a "reindeer farmer."  Who couldn't have predicted that one--even the weather forecasters could have!  I still want to know why Dingell, Conyers, Biden, etc. are ever, ever, identified as "career politicians."

Over the weekend I had a discussion with another about politics and the other mentioned, in a negative tone, Bentivolio.  Now, Bentivolio isn't my guy, but I couldn't help but respond to this negativism with, "Hey, at least the guy didn't lie to get elected.  Name another politician who's kept his campaign promises."  Of course, the other was at a loss to come up with an answer, at least since Phil Hart was elected......

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