Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Turning the World Upside Down

When Cornwallis surrendered to Washington at Yorktown, he purportedly had his fife and drum corps play a popular London ditty, The World Turned Upside Down.  The lyrics go like this:

If buttercups buzz'd after the bee,
If boats were on land, churches on sea,
If ponies rode men and if grass ate the cows,
And cats should be chased into holes by the mouse,
If the mamas sold their babies
To the gypsies for half a crown;
If summer were spring and the other way round,
Then all the world would be upside down.

Now, some historians doubt this was played, claiming it's a myth.  But it's far too delicious to think otherwise, isn't it?  And of course, some historians still think FDR was one of our best Presidents, that the Emancipation Proclamation didn't free any slaves, and that the Versailles Treaty was a rotten treaty that caused WW2.  But I digress......

How's this for turning the world upside down?  Obama lets Iran, a rogue (if not worse) nation, keep its nuclear weapons and gives it $9 billion of American taxpayers' money.  But he doesn't let millions of American citizens keep the health insurance they like/want and, to get new coverage, they have to pay more of their own money!  It's great irony, something we can't make up.  And the LameStreams laud the Iranian deal.  But, of course, the media thought Neville Chamberlain had struck a great deal, too.  ("There he goes with that history stuff again!")  Only later did "Munich," "appeasement," and "Chamberlain" become four-letter words.

Perhaps Obama and Kerry think Iran is "reasonable.  After all, in a letter to his sister shortly after Munich, Chamberlain asserted that Hitler "is a reasonable man."  And who would/could argue with the arrogant, elitist Chamberlain?  Why wouldn't the equally arrogant, elitist Obama and Kerry think the same?  They are far smarter than anyone else, you know.  ObamaCare proves that--er, forget I mentioned ObamaCare.

Now, what Iran has agreed to, according to Mike Rogers, chair of House Intelligence Committee (I will refrain from the comment I'd really like to write.), is to turn its uranium into an oxide powder, which will, the Obama Administration contends, make it useless.  Except, as several nuclear scientists have said, reversing the process of oxidation is very simple.  Besides, does anyone think Iran will stop its work on developing its nuclear capabilities, well, anyone other than the Bozos in the Obama Administration?  The crackpots there, crazy like foxes?, will take our (that is, yours and mine) $9 billion and laugh at us behind our backs.

So, where does this leave the Middle East?  Hmmm......  My guess is the Saudis will feel betrayed (rightly so, as much as I dislike them) and vulnerable.  With their money, they can buy a bomb or two from, say, the Pakistanis.  The Israelis are now much more likely to make a preemptive strike against the Iranian nuclear factilities.  In other words, Kerry and Obama, with their continued fumbling and bumbling, have created an arms race, a nuclear arms race, in the Middle East.

Can the Nobel Committee have a revote??????

BTW, I received an e-mail announcing that Congressman Levin has introduced a bill to renew federal unemployment compensation.  I sent a return e-mail asking when he was planning to introduce a bill to repeal ObamaCare.  Gee, I'm still waiting for a response to my e-mail of a month or so back, which read, "Maybe you should have read the bill first?"

Mike Rogers also talked about ObamaCare and its provisions.  He said the government's own estimates are that by next year, 40,000,000 Americans will have lost their health insurance.  (I think a newspaper article used a higher figure, up to 80 or 90 million.)  So, to remedy a problem--so it was termed a "problem"--the Bozos in Washington passed a law, thousands of pages long, a bill they never read, to give health insurance to 15 or 20 million uninsured (many of whom are illegal immigrants or who opted, by personal choice, not to spend money on health care) and it resulted in the loss of up to 40 million already-insured people to lose their coverage?  That sure sounds brilliant.

Of course, a guy with whom I spoke a couple weeks ago insisted, really insisted, that "health insurance is a right!"  I let him rant/rave for a couple of minutes and then gave him examples of people for whose health care I don't want to pay--smokers, obese people, couch potatoes, etc.  I ended the conversation with something like, "Instead of going on a vacation for two weeks, why don't you stay home and buy a health insurance policy for one of the uninsured?"  He didn't answer and didn't have to answer.  "Don't tax you and don't tax me.  Tax the fellow behind the tree."

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