Wednesday, February 19, 2014


I think that Einstein guy knew a little something, about relativity that is.  Now, this isn't his general theory of relativity, that many people equate with him:  E = mc2.  This is his special theory of relativity, which, because it's "special," people think is more difficult.  It isn't.

What it relates to are frames of reference, specifically speed, time, distance, etc.

And how about we folks here in Michigan this past week?  Talk about relativity/frames of reference!  Who'd a thunk we'd look at a thermometer at 6 AM, see 15 degrees, and jump for joy at the warmth?  Or, perhaps even more so, see the upper 20s and 30s are veritable heat waves?

I guess that's explained by all the single-digit and sub-zero temperatures--and all of the snow!--we've had since Jan 1.  There may have been a colder spell in my time, but I don't at all remember it.

I do recall, though, having only one "snow day" when I was a kid.  We had about 10" of snow and school was canceled because teachers couldn't get in to work--we kids all walked to school.  I spent most of the day shoveling snow in the neighborhood, some for money, but most for free because my mother sent me out to do Mrs. Rembicki's, Mr. and Mrs Toloco, the Hughes', the Soviaks, etc.  I did get pay, of sorts, from some of them--a glass of Vernor's, a special treat because we rarely had soda in the house, and, I remember, my first slice of Boston Cream Pie!

I also remember the coldest day as a kid, on a day we didn't have school--maybe a Saturday or the day (a Friday?) between the first and second semesters.  We walked to the Daly's on Greenfield and Joy, but I don't remember what we ordered, likely a Pig's Dinner so we could get a pin, "I Was a Pig at Daly's."  (I never tried a Pig's Trough, though I wonder now if I could have easily finished it.)  We thought it was so cool because the temperature was 10 degrees.  I don't know how I remember that!

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