Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The Oath

"I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the office of the President of the United States and will, to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States."

Wouldn't it be great if the Chief Justice or whoever administers this oath ad libbed, "Do you really mean it or are you just kidding?"

OK, let's not just pick on the President.  Let's pick on all the politicians.

I read the other day, too, an article that identified Congressman Kerry Bentivoliio as "reindeer farmer."  I laughed, again.  Why aren't John Dingell, John Conyers, Debbie Stabenow, the Levins, et al similarly identified as "career politicians?"  Oh, and Bentivolio has occasionally been additionally identified as "plays Santa Claus."  Now, there's a great one.  It's supposed to be negative things, I guess, to have one's own business as a "reindeer farmer" and to "play Santa Claus" (Yep, making kids happy is a real bad thing!), but being a career politician is perfectly fine.  Note I haven't even touched upon the terrible things these career politicians have perpetrated upon us.

Where is the outrage as some of these Hollywood-types and hippy rock stars promote the use of the most recent party drug "molly?"  This drug has been linked with deaths, as it can cause a user to just stop breathing.  Yet, these lamebrains glorify the use of "molly."  

How great!  In profiling some teachers employing the new "Common Core," a newspaper article including this from one of the teacher's lessons, "There is no right or wrong answer......"  Just great.  The teachers explained that, the answer isn't important, the process is.  Yep, when that building you're in collapses, I'll remember to say at your funeral, "But the engineer/architect knew the process."  What fools!

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