Just a couple of thoughts:
In no way do I diminish the tragedy of losing a young man's life in Ferguson, MO. I don't know much about the situation, not having been there and not following too closely in the newspapers. But it's a sad, sad situation. But the protests?
I understand the protests, but I don't understand why there are no such protests when thugs, drug dealers, and their ilk murder others. Where are the Jesse Jacksons and Al Sharptons when half a dozen or more of our kids are shot and killed in Detroit every week? Why doesn't the President hold press conferences or at least make some statements when our own children are being murdered? Where is the community "outrage," other than a single night's vigil? Where are the marches, the protests? Where are the community members who should be stepping up to identify the thugs and drug dealers to the authorities? Only when that happens can I take such "outrage" seriously, although my feelings of sadness over the needless deaths continues.
Interesting how ObamaCare is getting less and less popular. The most recent poll shows that more and more people are dissatisfied with it and that the dissatisfaction is widespread, covering all age-groups, all ethnic and racial groups, and all income groups. As more and more people are experiencing ObamaCare, they also experience its bad, undesirable effects. What the numbers are beginning to show is exactly what ObamaCare was intended to do. Satisfaction with it comes from about 12-15% of the people while 60% are unhappy with it. The others, according to the poll, haven't yet dealt with it. And that was exactly the design of ObamaCare, to increase costs and/or reduce benefits for the overwhelming majority of Americans who had and liked their health insurance to pay for insurance for the small number of Americans who didn't have it, regardless if they didn't want it, didn't want to pay for it, etc. We should hold Gary Peters' feet to the fire for voting for ObamaCare and not send him to the US Senate.
How odd it is to find a baseball player hitting .310 and leading the league in RBIs and still have folks consider him to be having an off-year. Such is the situation with the league's best hitter, Miguel Cabrera. I have my theories on why his BA is so "low" and his HR number is down. But I realize that nobody listens to me, so...... I just continue to follow him and marvel at one of the very, very best hitters I have ever seen (and I saw Ted Williams).
Friday, August 15, 2014
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Shame on you, coach! You know that I listen. I totally agree that Cabrera is the best hitter alive. Period. How sweet it must be to have a down year while hitting .310. I believe that his "loss" of power is atributed to one or more injuries in his abdominal and/or thigh areas. I have seen him grimace after running to first base on several occasions this year. I just hope that come October he is close to 100%, and, of course, that the Tigers are in a playoff position.
Yep, Cabrera is the best I've seen, possibly except for Ted Williams. I think he's chasing a lot of bad pitches. Still he just hits rockets all over the place.
"Where are the Jesse Jacksons and Al Sharptons when half a dozen or more of our kids are shot and killed in Detroit every week? Why doesn't the President hold press conferences or at least make some statements when our own children are being murdered? Where is the community "outrage," other than a single night's vigil? Where are the marches, the protests?"
Another quick note (oddly enough along the same lines as my other one) .... There have been plenty of marches and protests in regards to the consistent inner-city violence in Chicago and elsewhere. Al Sharpton was part of a gang peace summit last year and encouraged clergy and other black leaders to take part. Obama has commented on the violence several times. The fact that you don't know about these things does not mean they aren't happening. It only takes a google search.
Of course, in regards to Ferguson, none of this really matters. Because, as has been rightly pointed out many places, we have (and should continue to have) higher standards for our police officers than for gang members. I don't pay taxes to enable gang members but I do pay taxes to support the police. Every taxpayer has a right to demand better from the people employed by them.
That people, such as me, don't know about such protests in Chicago is revealing--somebody either isn't protesting loudly or often enough or the media aren't doing their jobs, at least nationally. In Detroit, there are vigils, maybe a night or two, but Sharpton and Jackson never show up here. And where were they when Kilpatrick was raping the city? I don't know, but they were not here.
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