Monday, December 29, 2014

Monday Moanin'

OK, I stole that one from a late Detroit newspaper columnist.  But, I don't think he'll mind......

Money, Money, Money.  Is that what it's all about, still?  I have heard these radio ads enticing people to seek out businesses who work with the IRS to cut the amount of taxes paid.  Some claim they can reduce tax liability by well over half.  "The IRS is willing to deal," says one ad.  Wait a minute!  Why do I have to pay all of my taxes and some other scofflaw only has to pay a fraction?  Where are all the doo-gooders (and I do mean "doo") on this?  After all, they are constantly crying, "Everyone has to pay his fair share!"  Yeah, right......

And, for all this standing up for the little guy junk, the Obama administration has done little, actually has done nothing, in going after the big bank fraud perpetrators.  Oh, I know there have been some fines, rather minuscule in light of the vast profits made off of illegal doings.  And isn't it great that some of the fines can be written off against federal taxes?  But what is really galling is that the vaunted Justice Dept of Eric Holder has yet to file charges against any individuals involved.  These perpetrators continue to haul down the big bucks.  And, read their names; they aren't hard to find.  In fact, many are found again in more recent shady doings under investigation.  I'm guessing, with the Obama Administration, at least the Justice Dept (Is that a misnomer in this instance?), in bed with big money, nobody is shaking in his boots. let alone hiring some hot-shot defense law firm.

Term limits, term limits.  We're at it again.  I've written enough about why I oppose term limits, but this one thing sticks with me.  Instead of owning up to our own responsibilities to seek out quality candidates, to not support Bozos running for election, we look to blame something else.  And both sides, those for and those against, use term limits as their bogeyman.  Bologna/Baloney!  Voters are the culprits!  "The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves......"

The column I read looked intriguing, at least the headline did.  "Outrage" and how we were so "outraged" in 2014.  The piece wasn't very good and not what I expected.  But again I am amazed at how "outraged" Americans really are, for about 15 minutes.  Then things pass until it's time for the next 15-minute outrage.

At the hotel yesterday AM, as I was dressing for breakfast after my run, Karen had on the boob tube.  The show was a panel discussion of prominent (I know, that's subjective!) Detroit-area folks discussing the future of Detroit.  Oh, they talked schools, investment, tax bases, etc.  But one thing they never talked about, the one thing I think will spell success or doom in rebuilding Detroit.  My goodness, don't these people read their own newspapers or watch their own newscasts!?!?!?  Over the past few days, has anyone noticed the number of people who have been shot and killed--murdered--in the city?  Granted, such shootings have become so routine, we often must open to page 5 or 6 to read about them.  Still, with all the violent crime, how does Detroit stand a chance?  Violent crime must be stopped and stopped while there are still folks willing to invest in Detroit's recover.

I just finished reading a series on the Holocaust.  Wow!  Talk about depressing stuff......  The inhumanity and cruelty that people impose on other people in the name of whatever is saddening--no, worse than that.  But even more compelling to me is that so many people stood around and did nothing.  Oh, of course there was Rev Niemoeller, "First they came after..but I said nothing......," but not many others.  It was the "I don't want to get involved" or "Things can't be that bad" although all one had to do was not willfully ignore what was out in the open.  And I see that happening now.  Note how many family members defend the thugs and thug-wannabes as "good" people, well-behaved, etc.  See how many deny the thugs and thug-wannabes have guns, despite video evidence as well as witnesses demonstrating the contrary.  As long as people refuse to get involved, refuse to help stop the violence, it will continue.  Again, note the Holocaust.

I got a kick out of a headline the other day.  I don't remember which newspaper it was, but it cited Mike Ilitch's investment in the Woodward area.  Ha!  I think, at the very least, taxpayers should have had equal billing.

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