Sunday, December 21, 2014

Road Taxes

Without question, I vote no on the state legislature's plan for increased taxes to pay for fixing Michigan's roads.  I'll explain in a bit.

But first, a Free Press editorial blazes this headline at us, "Our legislators are making fools of us."  I beg to differ, but only in degree.  I think we have already made "fools," big "fools" of ourselves by voting for most of those Bozos in Lansing (well, DC, too).  If one seriously thinks about this, what would one expect the legislators to do?  This is not new stuff.  Rotten things happen all the time up there (and in DC, too).  They have other people's money to spend.  They have to think, not about the people of Michigan (or the US), but their parties.  (C'mon, listen to their own words.)  They have their own agendas, not ours.  Yes, they lie to us and that we continue to elect the same people or the same types of people--from both parties!--delineates us as fools.

Now, about the road taxes.  No!  No! No!  There are no assurances that better materials will be used.  There are no assurances of any guarantees/warranties about work.  There are no assurances of lower weight limits on trucks.  No!  No!  No!  There is enough money; we've given the legislators plenty of it.  They just spend it where they were not supposed to spend it.  (It's not their money.  And we've shown how foolish we are by continuing to agree to give them more--either directly or by electing people who increase our taxes.  Look at the local school district.  The board members and administration come begging to voters last August for more money--after giving the already very well-compensated superintendent a $43,000 bonus.  I won't go into how poorly I think the school district is run, but I could.)

The governor and his Republican lackeys gave Michigan businesses a $1.8 billion tax cut, with no stipulations.  There were no conditions such as hiring more people, lowering prices, etc.  None.  Oh, people who support the governor point to lower unemployment figures in Michigan.  Yeah, right......  If jobs are really being created, where is the extra revenue the state should be getting?  Jobs that have been created are part-time and low/minimum wage jobs.  And I don't know where the governor and the Republican lackeys shop, but I haven't noticed any drop in prices, except at the gas pump.  In fact, food prices are skyrocketing.

Those who say the roads are beating up their cars--don't look to me to fix your car.  Look to those "fools" in Lansing.

BTW, as an addendum, let me note this--Sarah Palin was right, again.  While all the so-called "really smart" people (from both parties) were dumping on her, she was right on Russia and Ukraine and now she's right on gas/oil, "Drill, Baby, Drill!"  Well, if you don't like the lower gas prices, maybe you don't think she was right......

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