Monday, December 7, 2015

Monday Moanin'

When the Paris massacre by the Muslim extremists occurred, there was an overt demonstration of outrage among the French.  The French premier expressed what his people seemed to show.  And he followed up on it with bombing attacks against ISIS.

Where is a similar show of outrage in the US?  Has there ever been one with any of the Muslim extremist attacks here?  It reminds me of the Japanese attack on the USS Panay in the Yangtze River in China in 1937.  Japanese planes deliberately attack a US naval vessel, injuring and killing American sailors.  It was a test of US government will and we failed.  The Japanese apologized, sort of, and gave us a few bucks and we said, "OK, let's move on."  It was a test that led to the attack on Pearl Harbor.

Are Americans at all outraged over the Muslim attacks?  I don't know, but I suspect that they are, far more than we might think.  I think there is a muffling of American anger.  This muffling comes at the hands of the gov't, which seems to be soft-pedaling any atrocities committed by Muslims, and from the lapdog LameStream media.  Some of the muffling might also be self-inflicted due to our obsession with political correctness.  What we might say over the dinner table or at the local bar or out with friends might be very different from what we say in more open, public spaces.  After all, Americans have shown they'd rather be silent than speak up and have anyone anywhere call them racists or bigots.

Like the Japanese, perhaps the Islamists are asking themselves, "What will it take to anger Americans?"  The Japanese surmised nothing, well, at least nothing long-term.  After Pearl Harbor, they gambled, the Americans might fight back for a while, but their actions in the '30s showed they would soon look for a way out.  Yes, the Japanese gambled and they lost.  (Just like the Germans gambled with the resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare in WW1 and lost.)  Will Americans eventually rise up and cause the Muslim extremists to lose?  If they do, it won't come from their political leaders.

Speaking of outrage, where is the outrage over the constant murders in the black community?  Again this AM, there were several shootings in Detroit.  What's it going to take to stop those?

No, I don't believe stronger gun laws are the answer.  Look at California, home of San Bernardino.  It has some of the strictest gun laws in the US.  That made no difference last week.  And President Obama's silly comparison between the no-fly list and gun buyers was just that--silly.  First of all, under President Bush, there were fewer than 50,000 names on the no-fly list.  During the Obama administration, that number skyrocketed to about 15 times that!  Yes, now there are between 700,000 and 800,000 on the no-fly list.  The list is ridiculous.  One name is of a national news commentator who took a Mediterranean cruise that had port stop in Turkey.  Whoa!  He must be put on the no-fly list.  I read one anti-gun columnists say that yes, our culture through the desensitization of video entertainment (games, television, movies) has created a mindset that makes it OK to kill others, but it's really the guns that are the problem.  Huh?  The guns don't shoot people.  It's those who have become anaesthetized to human life who kill people.  I will admit, I don't like all those guns being out there, but how are we to lessen the numbers?  Ask, politely of course, the gang members, the drug cartels, and the other bad guys to, please, turn in their guns?

A headline in today's newspaper reads, "US Muslims struggled with how to respond to attacks."  What I'd like to see is not another Muslim cleric say, "Oh, we're sorry.  That's not the majority of Muslims......" blah, blah, blah.  Rather, I'd love to hear a repudiation of Sharia law or at least the parts of it that are antithetical to 21st-Century civilized life.  For that matter, how about a repudiation of similar chapters/tenets of the Quran?  Again, I think a major problem is that Islam (and the Quran) has (have) never had a New Testament, never had an Enlightenment.

Last, what's with this US Attorney-General?  Isn't she there to uphold the Constitution, not to threaten to prosecute people whose speech is protected by the First Amendment?  So, if someone is critical of Islam because, well, the terrorists invoke Islam as justification for their heinous, hideous, uncivilized actions, the Justice Dept is going to take him/her to court?  I'd like to see that just to see where the ACLU comes down on that one?

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