Congress is poised to pass a 2,000-page omnibus budget bill (or is it budget omnibus bill?) that runs to the tune of $1,100,000,000,000. That's as "t-t-t-trillion dollars! (And I'll bet all of the aye-sayers read it, page by page, front to back......) And the Establishment Republicans are flummoxed why Trump is crushing their candidates? They are, as I've noted before, either willfully blinded by their arrogance or extremely stupid. You can decide which. I'm guessing with all that money being borrowed and spent, the Democrats are pretty much getting whatever they want, even though it's the Republicans who control both houses of Congress. And some of the funding is going to continue support for the most odious of programs/groups!
I think Don Trump would be a lousy President. But more and more, maybe it's time to vote for someone like him. So he'd be a rotten President, so what? Gee, what do you think W. Bush and Obama were/are? Could he be worse? Yes, he is an arrogant narcissist. What do you think Obama is?
As long as we continue to "do nothing," as Burke admonishes us, by electing the same old Bozos, time after time, this is what we'll get. When do we cross our figurative Rubicon, the point of no return? Maybe we've already done that, sentencing our children and grandchildren to far lesser lives than past generations. Of course, perhaps we don't care about our children and grandchildren, although we likely profess we do. After all, we are the "I, Me, Mine" generations; it's all about us.
This Burke quotation reminds me of the many years I spent in the public schools. How many incredibly stupid things were foisted upon teachers by administrators? (OK, ask how many times, when these stupid things were so foisted, I suggested to administrators that we invite the public, esp business folks in the district, to sit in to hear what's going on. Right, you know where that got me!) But my point is to ask how many teachers let just a handful of others point out the stupidity; most merely sat their on their thumbs, spinning. And now, how many teachers are complaining (some even loudly!) about the situations in the schools? Yep, back when, they "did nothing."
Speaking of the schools, I see some school district in KY has censored some Charlie Brown Chris play, forcing the removal of a citation from the Gospel of Luke. Another has banned school concerts from singing songs like Silent Night. (That it was replaced by some hip-hop song, and I'm using that term very loosely!, speaks volumes.) Now consider the VA school district that has kids learn about cultural diversity by practicing calligraphy. Sounds like a nice idea, until we discover that what students were told to copy was part of the Quran, the article of faith, "There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger." Hmmm...... So students can copy that, but can't sing Silent Night? And the school district's excuse is that the courts have ruled such songs can't be sung? Where is the challenge to this calligraphy practice? And it seems on a daily basis there's some apology in the local newspapers about lack of religious freedom for Muslims.
I read in the newspaper today area school district scores on recent state tests. In all candor, I don't care much for state tests. Years (decades?) ago, I sat on a couple of state committees with the folks who made up the tests and, unless the quality has changed, these folks should not have been allowed to write anything except their signatures and grocery lists. But, as usual, the results from most districts, including the local ones, are abysmal. Apparently all this new teaching stuff doesn't seem to be working or, just as likely, the tests are rotten. Maybe it's both. Anyway, some of the arguments over the Trump call for a temporary halt to Muslim immigration (Let's not be like the LameStream media and selectively edit out "temporary, until we can get a handle......") have been ridiculous, even ignorant. And some have come from supposedly intelligent people. These opponents of Trump's call have cited past immigrants, be they the Irish and Italians or the unwilling ones like the African slaves. They've cited the Pilgrims (who, you must know, never knew they were "pilgrims;" that named wasn't coined for about 250 years after they arrived) and Puritans, the Quakers and Catholics, Jews and every other religious "refugee." And that's fine, but they again are selective in their facts. A big difference is all of these folks didn't have the intent of coming over here to kill and destroy us; in fact, most came over, without doubt, to assimilate, to better their lives in America. Obviously not all of the Muslim immigrants are coming to kill us. But common sense tells us there are some; look at some recent history/current events. And in not repudiating major parts of shariah as repugnant to not only our Constitution and its Bill of Rights, but also to human rights, in not helping the FBI and local authorities to identify the no-goodniks, they are fellow travelers, enablers, about as guilty as the terrorists themselves. A recent interview with a former FBI agent revealed that the Muslim community in the US has given "about zero help" since 9/11. Of course, perhaps one might ask how many Italians provided info on the Mafia. I think there's a difference, one of more than just a little degree.
"All that's necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."
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