Saturday, March 19, 2016

Crime and Punishment

That is one of my favorite novels, the suspense and mental anguish......  But this isn't about novels, although I've really read some good ones, "Spy and Suspense" I think the genre is called, recently.

This is about crime and punishment today.  I have no feelings of sympathy for criminals.  In fact, I almost exploded when I heard that some mother defended her inner city son who was shot while breaking into a house to thieve it.  "How else was he supposed to get money?"  Great, just great......

But I read recently that fewer than 10% of all criminals in federal prisons are there due to violent crimes.  Yes, there are two considerations, not to merely accept that low figure.  First, what about state prisons?  Second, nonviolent crimes also deserve punishment, esp when they devastate other people's lives.  I am think here of things like identity theft, financial scams, etc.  Throw the book at those people and make them really pay for what they've done to others.  Still, fewer than 10%.....?

Here I go again, railing about Big Government.  Not quite 50% of all criminal laws coming from the federal gov't since the middle of the 19th Century have been enacted in the past 40 years or so.  And between 2000 and 2007, Congress created more than one new crimes a week.  That is, in that seven-year period, Congress passed laws that defined or created more than 450 new crimes!  It's not a stretch to surmise that Congress manufactures crimes, as it typically shows no self-control--similarly to the lack of self-control with spending.

Government no longer adheres to the principle of limited government.  Nope.  It is as if it has an appetite, an appetite to regulate.  It tells us what kind of toilets, light bulbs, television sets, shower heads, health insurance, and more we must have.  And this is now also reflected in the intervention in regulating all behavior in society.  This passion for telling us how to live each and every facet of our lives has now reached crime.

I know I'm beating a dead horse.  Most people don't care.  Government is the answer to everything; at least that's what we've heard for decades and decades.  Even the phenomenon called "Trump" favors Big Government.  Those who support him because of their distaste, frustration, and anger for Big Government probably don't realize (or care?) that Trump is a Big Government-guy.  He is different from Clinton and Sanders, though, he says, because he can make it work better.  Yeah, right......

I heard a lady from Flint the other day on the radio.  She thought it was "nice" that so many Hollywood-types (my term) have expressed concern and sympathy for the people injured by the devastating water crisis.  But she continued.  I don't remember her exact words, but they were something like, "But it would be nicer if they sent some of their millions to help people."  No, I don't expect that to happen very soon.  It seems there are too many wealthy people, filthy rich people, who expect the other filthy rich people, the greedy ones, certainly not them, to pay for helping. You know, this is one of the many times I wish some people would show me to be wrong, very wrong.  If they do, I will be glad to apologize.

In a discussion this weekend, I heard someone say, "I don't like Ted Cruz."  I asked why and received the standard, "All I've heard about him is bad."  I feel a great deal of empathy for Cruz in this regard, having been called names for quite a few years for standing up for what's right and criticizing what's wrong.  Like I've noted in the past, even my wife has bought into the names I was called.  I was reminded of how easy it is to just call names, merely repeat the same name-calling over and over until it becomes "the truth."  A letter-to-the-editor in the newspaper referred to the Tea Partiers as "racists" and "bigots."  I'd love to have a discussion with the lady who wrote the letter.  I'd ask her why she uses such pejorative name-calling.  What evidence is there that those who belong to the Tea Parties are "bigots" and "racists?"  Surely some are, just as there are no doubt bigots and racists in the party she obviously favors. And, if she'd like, I can provide names.  See how easy it is to merely toss out terms like "bigots" and "racists," without having to substantiate such claims.  And, if enough ignorant people buy into the name-calling and repeat it, well, as Michael Jackson once sang, "...and the lie becomes the truth."

1 comment:

guslaruffa said...

With respect to the Criminal Justice system let me say this. I do not have any sympathy for criminals. But our jails are filled with people that commit minor crimes that do not need to be incarcerated. All this does is give them a record and pretty much prevents them from ever getting a meaningful job. Thus, back to a life of crime. These people should be put in situations where they are forced to do some sort of meaningful or un-meaningful work. This is NOT slavery. This should not be offered to dangerous criminals. Two, Americans are a generous people and do not need to be taxed into giving. I was out selling Tootsie Rolls this weekend and was blessed with many donations to help the Intellectually Challenged children of the Milford area. The largest donors were the people who looked like they could least afford it. Three, name calling. I know Trump has be accused of name called. But when is Radical Muslim name calling. People need to put the big boy pants on and get on with their lives, and not suck off everybody else.