Friday, April 22, 2016

Earth Day!

Ah, "Earth Day!"  On the surface, it's a wonderful idea.  It's a reminder for me to turn down the heat or air condition (regardless if my kids are too cold or warm) so the glitterati can shuffle off all over the country and world to tell people we're ruining the planet.  You get the idea or, at least, my idea about "Earth Day."  Does NBC still change the color of its logo today to all green?  Yep, that will surely make a difference.

It's interesting to watch the Presidential campaign, how it's unfolding.  Forget that, as the Free Press noted a few weeks ago, that the two front-runners (one from each party) are "pathological liars."  But the wagons are beginning to circle.  Are the Republicans, for instance, beginning to make nice with Don Trump or at least come to terms with him?  It seems that the lobbyists and other big money interests have already done so.  I think they know that they can't buy off Ted Cruz.

In Westland, a suburb of Detroit, a police officer pulled over a guy in a car.  During the stop, the officer discovered the man's daughter wasn't in a required car seat.  He inquired why she wasn't.  The man replied he couldn't afford one.  "Follow me," the officer said.  He drove down to a local Wal-Mart, went in, and, out of his own pocket, bought a car seat and gave it to the man.  When the guy walked to his car and put in the seat, he looked up and the officer was gone.  Hmmm......  Why isn't this on PAGE 1??????

Prince died and the accolades are coming.  I will admit that he, at least musically, deserves many of them.  I'm not a big fan of his.  I can think of maybe one or two tunes for which I wouldn't switch the radio dial; I owned no albums or CDs of his.  But, again, if he was that good to so many people, that's fine with me.  It's the same old story, though, "legend," "icon," etc.  How close was this guy to being a Mother Teresa??????  Give him is due, but back off.  I know nothing about the guy's personal life, except he seemed pretty weird to me.  I wonder if anyone can calculate his influence on our culture, for better or worse.

The gender/transgender wars continue.  I just wonder how many people would be comfortable with their seven-year old daughters going into the same bathroom as a 36-year old man--or vice versa.  Would anything happen?  Likely not, but that's not the point, is it?  There seems to be a pretty simple solution, though.  Why not construction a third bathroom, one for transgenders?  One for men; one for women; one for trans?  But, to me, more to the point is the hypocrisy of so many "doo gooders" (and I do mean "doo").  Oh, from corporations to hippy rock stars to civil rights/liberties groups, they are calling for boycotts of states like Mississippi and North Carolina.  I suppose that's their right to do so, to call for a boycott or actually boycott.  Who is really being hurt by such actions?  More concerning to me is the apathy these same "doo gooders" (and I do mean "doo") toward human rights violations, egregious ones, in other parts of the world.  For instance, do these companies still do business with, say, Saudi Arabia, Iran, and Commie China?  Do these entertainers (I use the term very loosely in many instances) continue to do shows/concerts in such countries as Cuba?

I laughed at a headline in today's newspaper, the op-ed pages:  "John Kerry's diplomatic traveling circus."  Yep.  I wonder if foreign nations, at least their leaders, laugh more at Kerry than they did Hillary Clinton, more at Kerry than Obama.  And what makes this so hilarious is recalling a campaign theme Kerry used against W. Bush--"gravitas."  Ha Ha.  First, what real person uses the word "gravitas?"  Second, it's as if Kerry is trying to force us to believe he possesses "gravitas."  Look at his visage, how his face is always filled with, well, "gravitas."  Listen to him talk, as if the way he sounds makes him someone to be taken seriously.  Ha Ha.  Third, if any person lacks "gravitas," besides W that is, it must be Kerry.  He certainly makes one wonder about a Yale education and a law degree, doesn't he, not to mention US politics?  (Yeah, I realize how poorly written that sentence is, but I'm too tired to fix it.)

As my construction worker comrades would say, 50 years ago, "If it doesn't rain today, it's missing a good chance."  But no rain is in the forecast.

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