Friday, April 29, 2016


If we need any more evidence that Ted Cruz is the guy, not Trump, not Kasich, and certainly not Clinton or Sanders, here it is.  The Establishment-types, John Boehner and Peter King, have come out railing against Cruz.  I think Boehner called him "Lucifer" as well as some expletive deleted.  

Boehner is a buddy of Trump and has said he'd vote for Clinton over Cruz.  That's all well and good, for Boehner, but certainly not for us.

A key question to ask in all of this is, "Why?  Why is Boehner so anti-Cruz?"  He's not a liar, not a crook.  He, as a US Senator from Texas, actually tried to do what he promised his constituents he would do.  Of course, he was thwarted by the Establishment.  And that answers our question, doesn't it?

Boehner is the Establishment, as is Peter King and Don Trump and Hillary Clinton. They have, for years and years, been getting away with increasing the size of the federal government, spending trillions of dollars, and making government more powerful at our expense.  Cruz is the one guy who will try to stop them, try to stop this behemoth that has become the runaway federal government.  And that frightens the Establishment.

Note, Boehner has never likened Clinton or Trump to "Lucifer," despite their, as the Free Press noted, "pathological" lying.  Maybe I'm wrong and pathological lying isn't Satan-like and is now de rigeur, the way things are.   Maybe honesty is passe, "so yesterday."

Anyone who is upset with how the Establishment--and that includes both parties!--has taken over this country, at the expense of American citizens, there is only one answer--and it's not Trump and it's not Clinton.

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