Wednesday, May 4, 2016


I cannot at all get my head around "Trump v Clinton" in November.  Here in American, with a population of well over 300 million, these are the best we have?  Of course they aren't and we rarely pick the best we have to run for President.  C'mon:  W. Bush?  Obama?  But I think Trump v Clinton has reached a new low.  In this troubled time, we are flirted with severe peril with either of these two.

I read a blog this AM, urging us "to get over" the problems that Trump poses.  "Get over" them?  We are talking about the office of the Presidency.  (OK, you win.  Obama is President and W. was before him.  But......)  I can't just "get over" Trump or Clinton!

I think either one would be a disaster.  It's not even that neither of them deserve to be President.  The US is, I think, nearing a perilous time.  Past policies and decisions are now "coming home to roost."  (I couldn't help myself there!)  We are at the precipice, thanks to a corrupt political system in DC and, well, all over.

I think that what today I find most distressing is that Cruz has dropped out.  OK, people can have their political disagreements with him.  That's fine.  This is America.  But as one blogger noted today, Cruz tried to fix the corruption in DC, tried to make things better, but became "the most hated man there [the US Senate] in decades."  Wow!  What an indictment of the corrupt Establishment!

I repeat myself I know.  I understand some of the allure of Trump.  It's not really him, but the anger and frustration with that corrupt political system.  The Establishment is the target and Trump just happened to be the missile.  But he's not.  He is the Establishment!!!!!!  How does anyone think he got to where he is?  He used the Establishment and its rules.  (Of course, if the rules didn't go his way, he went away bawling about "the corrupt system."  Remember, the system is "corrupt" only if Trump can't benefit himself with it.)  That Trump, the pathological liar that others say he is, can get away with labeling Cruz, "Lyin' Ted" tells us a lot--about his followers.  What does that say about us?  With Trump being so dishonest, how and why would anyone think he's going to fix the system??????

When confronted with a tough question on an issue, Trump lies or obfuscates, blusters, or just blurts out some inanities like, "We're going to build a wall?" adding "And Mexico will pay for it!"

This blogger is often off the wall and his allusion to the KKK and other white supremacists is yet another example of that, but the rest of the article makes a lot of sense.

I'm not giving the Republican Party (the Establishment) a free pass here.  Frankenstein has created its own monster, The Modern Prometheus.  

When and where is there going to be a party to represent me and my values?

Have we become Minnesota?  Voters there elected Jesse "the Body" Ventura and Al Franken!  Of course, look at the clowns who have been elected in other states, including Michigan!

At the same time, while I understand why Trump gets votes, I can't at all understand how and why Clinton gets any.  I've tried to figure it out and can't really--except for one very unflattering reason.  I'll let you guess what that is.

Then, to top it off, I read an article today about ObamaCare, back at work messing up things.  The FDA issued its ObamaCare mandate for restaurants in labeling calories on menu items.  Get this one:  the definition of "menu" is 171 words!!!!!!  It takes 163 words to define "restaurant-type food" and 96 for "combination meal."  More and more it's apparent ObamaCare is failing--as many/most predicted it would--but the clowns keep adding to the circus, don't they?

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