Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Some Quick Thoughts

Why do surveys and other online inquiries ask for both a Zip Code and a state of residence?  Aren't Zips unique to a state and area?

Often, when checking the weather, something is awry.  For instance, I just checked today's weather.  The high temperature is forecast to be 57 degrees, but right next to that is the current temperature, 63 degrees??????

Who is the one who frequently takes my printer "offline?"  I never do it, but far more often than I'd like, I am not able to print because my "printer is offline."  So, I have to uninstall and then reinstall the same printer.  Printing then works......

I was really upset this AM with drivers.  I was biking and then running--yep, reverse order from my usual workout.  Who says I am rigid and won't try anything different?  At least half a dozen drivers came far over toward the shoulder, where I was biking/running, when there were no cars coming from the opposite direction.  Are they on cell phones?  I couldn't tell, but wouldn't be surprised.  Are they doing something other than driving?  Are they lousy drivers?  Are they self-absorbed?  "The road is mine; get off it.  I get to use all of it."  Are they merely jerks?

I do puzzles in the daily newspaper.  One of them provide a word and then players are asked to make other words, using those letters, from it.  But, some of the words given in the solutions the next day.....?  For instance, from yesterday, what is "gaur?" "guan?" (I know "guano!") "sard?" and "surd?"  Hmmm......  I think they might fit in well with "tarn," "proa," and the rest.  I should look them up, but there far too many of them each day and, besides, with my memory going and going fast, I don't think I'd remember them.

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