On our run today, I was asked, "Did you get up on the wrong side of the bed this morning?" Thinking back to some of my comments, maybe I did. But maybe what's going on is a better explanation.
As a columnist in the newspaper today asked, why do some folks/groups get the book (legal book) thrown at them while others continue to skate away Scot-free? The auto companies, he pointed out, have rightly been nailed with tens of billions of dollars in fines for their dishonesty involving a smattering of issues, from recall cover-ups to mileage fraud to false sales figures. But how many bankers and Wall Street-types were similarly punished? The dishonesty, fraud, lying, etc. by these people caused the loss of jobs, savings, homes, and more. Yet where were the "high-profile prosecutions," let alone prison sentences?
Think the state government and Flint...... We're still waiting, aren't we? Don't forget to take a look closer to home, in local and school politics. Certainly you don't believe our local elected officials or their appointees are forthwith with us??????
For that matter, where is the prosecution for the bald-faced lying by politicians? They lie and they know they lie and we know they lie--deliberately. Of course we immediately think of Clinton (both of them), Obama, W Bush, McConnell, Reid, Pelosi, and the rest. (Note I included both parties.) Think of the state government and Flint...... We're still waiting, aren't we? Don't forget to take a look closer to home, in local and school politics. Certainly you don't believe our local elected officials or their appointees are forthwith with us?????? Where is some watchdog to hold them accountable? Obviously, much of the electorate is too apathetic, trusting, preoccupied, or stupid to care. Those who do care and point out the lies, etc., are marginalized or ignored by and Establishment more concerned with itself than with constituents or the nation. And the Establishment is buttressed by a compliant LameStream media. BTW, where has been the prosecution and punishment of the LameStreams who have lied and distorted? Of course, they hide behind the shield of the First Amendment. But does the First Amendment protect against deliberate dishonesty? Not all Bill of Rights guarantees are absolute. Your right, it is said, to swing your fist wherever you desire stops at my nose.
And all the government bureaucrats who are about as duplicitous as those corporate types, where is the watchdog holding them accountable/responsible?
As the columnist pointed out, there is a "rigged system [with] two sets of rules." It's like the Clinton e-mail felony. You and I would have been prosecuted and likely with zeal long ago had we done what she did. That, as one of my classmates said in defending Clinton wrote, "We all mix our personal and business e-mails. It saves time.....," is not at all the same. Isn't there quite a bit of difference in work/personal e-mails and classified and top-secret information?????? If some can't see the difference, well, they just can't see the difference--if you know what I mean.
That's why so many folks are upset. There is a set of rules for "them" and another for "us."
And the Democratic Convention????? How can anyone belong to a group that, well, works to undermine its own people, works to negate the wishes of a large segment of its party? Note the DNC leaks about the Sanders campaign. Does anyone think the Clintons and their supporters weren't behind that? Well, anyone except the willfully blind?
And how can a party ask someone like Elizabeth Warren to speak? "Fauxchahontas?" What does that say about the morals/ethics/principles of the Democrats?
I am still astonished to see any "Clinton" tee-shirts, banners, etc. I don't understand. Regular (both of you) readers of One Man's Lonely Opinions know I won't be voting for the charlatan (or worse) Don Trump. But I can't at all imagine anyone voting for Clinton, either. A few weeks back, another columnist suggested we "deserve" better than Trump or Clinton. He did not at all explain exactly why we "deserve" better than than these two "pathological liars" (and, remember, those aren't my words, but those of national pundits!), but maybe those two completely rotten candidates are just what we "deserve." What is it that we have become?
More in a few days, if not sooner.
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
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Volkswagen got the checkbook thrown at it. Those evil foreign car companies. We should really fine those rotten liars. I agree, what they did was wrong, just like GM with their ignition switches, Ford with their barrel rolling Explorers (wait, that was Firestone), Toyoto with their sudden exceleration, I could go on and on. The government, much to our delight fines these companies heavily. But where does that money go? People that are harmed, get to split what's left after 1-800-call Sam and Call Lee take their cut. But what actual harm did VW do to any individual. So, in the name of saving the environment, we fine VW billions. But where does THAT money go. I suspect into some general fund. Where it does not go in back into jobs for R&D research. In facility development, no! So our Government once again saves the day and extracts a pound of flesh from corporations.
Does anybody really think John Dingle did the auto industry any favors buy stonewalling higher gas mileage and safety while he was in office. And the Japanese blew our doors off in the 80's.
It's getting really hard to tell the difference between government and big business. Who's in bed with who.
At this time, I have no problem with a self made millionaire becoming president. Name one accomplishment that HRC has made. What choice do we have. Not voting. That's an abdication of our duty as American citizens. Maybe what this election shows us is how far off the rails we've gone. On the other hand, maybe the Donald is a wake up call. We will know in November won't we.
Well coach, looks like "both" of your readers are chiming in on this one. I believe that the choice we face this fall is the crescendo of decades of voter apathy, ignorance, laziness, and lack of intelligence. We have been rewarded with the two biggest jokes available. A clown and a crook.
I do have to respectfully disagree with Gus. Our choice is NOT limited to the crook or the clown. There is an honest, experienced, very well qualified and successful two term governor who has selected the same to run with him available for our consideration this fall. Yes, you read that correctly, I said HONEST. Who is he, you ask? I, unfortunately, get that question frequently these days when people see my bumper sticker. Not the one that has a photo of both the clown and crook that says "Nope and Noper", but the one that says "Gary Johnson for President 2016". It saddens me that so many people don't know of him, but I get it. When I talk to friends and ask them how they feel about various issues, their answers never fail to mostly fall in line with Gary. I simply ask them to go to his website and check the guy out.
If Trump or Criminillery become our next president, one thing is for certain....the horrible polarization in this country will only get worse and the donkeys and elephants will spend the next four years agreeing on nothing and accomplishing nothing, while we watch the federal debt just go through the stratosphere.
Gary has said that he will assemble a team of both D's and R's with a goal of making positive strides toward real solutions to unbelievably serious problems. He has also said that he and Weld will be two minds working together, along with the team. What a novel idea....a vice president that actually does something.
I could go on and on with my Gary man crush, but I just try to get people to check him out and get to know him and his stances on the issues. So many people have no clue that they have many libertarian views. Again, just plain ignorance. And I am not being critical when I use that word, as I am the first to admit my ignorance in many areas. I really missed a lot by filling my class schedule with chem, biology, physics, algebra, trig, geometry, analysis, calculus, etc. (All that came in handy as I trudged through my 30 year career at UPS!).
Just one final thought. I truly believe that if Mr. Johnson can make it on to the debate stage, the electorate is going to be pleasantly blindsided, to the point that I can see his poll numbers blowing up. So many have already endorsed him, and they keep coming in every day. The numbers of disappointed and disgusted Republicans and Democrats are historically high, and very rightfully so. Yeah, I'm on the bandwagon, because the proposition of having a genuinely honest and intelligent man as the leader of the free world just makes me smile at a time when there is so little to smile about.
Keep on writing coach! I love reading your not-so-lonely opinions.
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