Thursday, July 14, 2016


Maybe it was a bogus story, one that never really was going to happen.  Back when, rumors floated that a good number of FBI agents, some upper level, would resign if Hillary Clinton was not indicted.

Again, maybe it was a bogus story.  But if not, I'm waiting.  There has been no mass resignations, not even any leaked peeps about dissatisfaction.

I'm not blaming anyone.  It would be hard to sacrifice one's source of income even if it was over a matter of principle.  I don't know if I would quit.  And, can they speak up?  Have agents been forced to sign agreements saying they'd keep their mouths shut?

The head of the FBI is a different story.  Comer sold out.  He laid out a clear and concise case against Clinton, then said nothing would be done.  So the Lynch/Bill Clinton airplane meeting was just a random case of serendipity??????  Sure it was......

Some Republicans are trying to torpedo the disastrous Trump campaign.  (I think it's disastrous whether he wins or loses.)  The latest, I guess, is an attempt to mount support for a Scott Walker/Ted Cruz ticket.  Cruz OK.  Walker not a chance.  I understand his dislike of unions, but he took that far too far, portraying himself to me at least as an enemy of working people, the middle class.

Of course unions have done some detrimental things over the course of the past decades.  But remember that they didn't do them unilaterally.  That is, any work rules, any pay raises, any of that stuff was agreed upon by management.  Why don't Walker and Snyder and all the other "right to work for less" proponents go after their buddies in management?  We know why, don't we?

Nope, the Democrats don't represent my beliefs and neither do the Republicans.  Just look at the last three decades of Republican behavior.  Look how they've spent, spent, spent.  Look at all the new programs and entitlements they helped to create.  And, esp, look at how they've lied about all of that.

At least the Democrats are honest and open about wanting to steal your money, about wanting to control our lives because they are smarter than we are.  (Well, we know they really aren't, but they still think they are.  And we also know they are as crooked as anyone, from the Clintons to Algore to Reid to Pelosi to Feinstein to......)  The Republicans, to get elected, tell lies about cutting taxes, smaller gov't, less spending, etc.

I just finished a book that really has me worked up and I'll write about my anger over the course of the next week or so.

BTW, on the meteorological front......  It's been hot and humid, far too much so, around her the past week.  But there are some laughs to be had.  First, the other day, the predicted high for the day was 87 degrees and that prediction was still shown as the actual temperature was also displayed--93 degrees!  Yesterday, all day was very nice, well, at least dry although very warm (90s) and humid.  Before our ball game, I checked two weather sites,  One predicted "15% chance of precipitation" until well aver our game.  The other called for "70% chance."  Isn't that a big, big gap/difference?  They can't even get their guesses close to one another.  BTW, it did pour at our game, but......  The "radar" showed the storm moving in after 7 PM, maybe closer to 7:30.  As we took the field to start, the lightning show started and we cleared the area.  After 45 mins of thunder/dunders it was determined we wouldn't play since we'd not start until 7:45 at the earliest and with the dark skies likely would get in only a couple of innings--if the lightning stopped.  It didn't.  And then the skies opened, a deluge.  Who's that guy recreated Noah's Ark?  I thought we might need him last night.  "15%" or "70%."

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