Isn't that what the Temptations sang, about 45 or so years ago? "That's what the world is today, hey hey!" I think it is. And I have more and more trouble understanding it.
Back in college, we had to sign a "Statement of Intellectual Responsibility" for each course we took. In effect, it was an agreement that we wouldn't cheat, plagiarize, etc. in doing our work for the class. It was no big deal, signed just on a 3 x 5 card, but we took it seriously; at least everyone I know and I took it seriously.
"Intellectual Responsibility." Can that be translated to "Intellectual Honesty?" Maybe or maybe not, but that's one of the things bothering me today. I heard the acting head of the Democratic National Committee the other day. She's the one who was caught providing questions (answers?) to Hillary Clinton in her debates. And she's sorry, but only that she was caught. That should tell us all we need to know about her "honesty." But now she's at it again.
Apparently, it's up to Trump to find "common ground" with the Democrats. Wait a minute? This wasn't her or other Democrats' tune four years ago and eight years ago, was it? I distinctly recall this, "Elections have consequences." And what about "I've got a pen and I've got a phone?" Then there was, "I won. Get over it." So now that the shoe is on the other foot...... Hey, lady--and all you others like her--at least be intellectually honest. Don't change your rules now that the game is different.
Of course, now that the Democrats have been pulverized all over the nation, federal, state, and local elections, it's going to be all about "bipartisanship," "compromise," and "reaching across the aisle." Amnesia, in politics, is a valuable asset. It seems they refuse to confront the reasons for the drubbing they took in November, preferring to make excuses, call names, etc.
The Democrats don't appear to be considering their relationship with the people, with voters. How might they recharge, to find a course that would bring about a better relationship that would translate into more votes on the federal, state, and local levels? I think they won't, just like the Republican Establishment didn't, because they are arrogant enough to believe they and they alone have the answers. Rather than scrutinize the Election of 2016, try to comprehend it, and benefit from that, my guess is they will think they themselves have done nothing wrong. The voters, those "racist," "biased," "stupid" voters, need to be crushed--or at least marginalized once again.
I am very curious to see the Democrats in action during the Trump administration. (OK, I'm still very apprehensive about a Trump Presidency. I still don't know if I'm more distressed over Trump or if Clinton had won. I feel, still feel, that both candidates were rotten, neither deserving to be anywhere near the White House, except, maybe, on a tour with other tourists.) Let's see, now, who will be "The Party of No." We've heard the preliminaries, haven't we? Who will be the obstructionists? Will the lackey LameStream media be honest enough to confront this, if indeed it happens? I have my doubts, but we'll see.
The Inaugural festivities move forward, with controversy and, I think, humor. Oh, all those Hollywood-types and Hippy Rock guys, well, they are boycotting the Inauguration, at least the balls and other celebrations. (Hey, is it true that Obama had nine such balls and, afterward, invited the Hollywood-types and Hippy Rock guys back to the White House for more? From what I've read, Trump has three balls, one of which is limited to military personnel and first responders.) They refuse to provide entertainment (Note I didn't write "music," since many of them make noise that likely doesn't qualify as "music.") or even grace us (the US and its Inaugural festivities) with their collective royal presence. C'mon, give 'em a break!!!!!! How are all these Hollywood-types and Hippy Rock guys supposed to make it to Washington, DC when, after the election, they moved to Windsor and Toronto and Montreal and Vancouver and Moose Jaw and Medicine Hat? BTW, will these blowhards now give up most of their millions of dollars to charities and the poor?
One writer did some research, I guess, and came up with Clinton's margin of popular vote victory came in four California counties, not even the entire state. Again (See my post on the Electrical College of a few weeks ago.), the EC worked just as the Founders had intended. If people don't like it, try to change it. But I see that as a big mistake. Besides, how are these same folks going to deal with the historical changes in Congress that Reid and Pelosi ramrodded through now that the Republicans are in charge, esp in the White House?
I wonder what President Obama has planned for the next few years. I am no psychologist, not even of the armchair variety (and in many ways don't believe in it--heh heh), but I think he may have some trouble. I've always thought, for Obama, it's always about him. He's a narcissist of vast proportions. How will he handle being, well, irrelevant? Will he even acknowledge that the drubbing Democrats in elections all over the country, at all levels took was a negative reaction to, well, his years as President. (OK, I think people were also reacting to the Establishment, the Republicans, the bureaucrats, the LameStreams......)
His position as former President will open up tons of doors. But, despite his supposed degrees from Harvard and Columbia, I don't think he's particularly smart. Look, though, at the Clintons since Billy Boy left office, not in disgrace as he should have, but in triumph. From what I've read, Obama has already, while in office, increased his personal wealth to more than $12 million. How did that happen on a mere pittance, $400,000 a year, of a salary? I don't think he'll have any trouble financially, but I think he might personally. What if he is run through the ringer as Jimmy Carter was? Can Obama handle that? I suppose first we have to see if he will be hung out to dry or will the LameStreams and historians continue to treat him with kid gloves.
Tuesday, January 3, 2017
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Obama will never be put through the wringer. He will be revered as one of the all time great presidents for bringing world peace, a great healthcare plan and stabilizing racial relations in this country. It's just that none of us will realize it. I am just amazed how blind Americans can be to what is put forth in front of them. Again, we will be shouted down for disagreeing.
You are right. It is obvious that the Democrats will not admit that they are wrong and do not speak for the entire nation. This will keep them un-electable in the next race.I I'm not so sure the Republicans won because of their great message. It was that people are tired of being ignored and seeing this country slide backwards. Ready to start a Go Fund Me to send some people to Canada, eh?
Isn't it amazing that while amassing this personal fortune, that his family
spent more tax payers money on vacations than any president in history (and
thats just the tip of the iceberg)....I think I am going to disappear
and re=invent myself in Hawaaii!!
btw, that was rob joseph above on deb reeses account (for some raason).
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