I still think it's a bad dream, a nightmare, but I will gladly say I'm wrong if I'm wrong on the next four years. It would be great if I have to make such an admission.
It made my night to hear a radio show caller. The host was asking folks to call in for their comments and impressions of the Inaugural Address. After the obligatory rants and raves of the anti-Trumpers, a guy called in saying, "I got choked up." The host and his sidekick laughed, the snickering evident. I wonder if they laughed at that national newsman who said of Obama's election, "I felt a trickle going up and down my leg?" Why do I doubt that? Anyway, this caller wasn't done and continued, after hearing the chuckles. "Hey, not everybody has a cushy job making the big bucks like you guys do. Some of us have to work for a living. You are the reason we voted for Trump." Well, the host and sidekick backed off a little, trying to worm their way out of it by asking for "specifics" of the address that "choked up" the caller. But the damage was done.
The arrogant elitists don't get it, don't get it at all. I'll repeat what I said months ago. It wasn't about Trump, although it is now. It was about anyone who wasn't the Establishment, anyone who looked like he/she would no longer ignore Middle America.
An op-ed in today's Detroit News confirmed that. (I sometimes wonder who reads this blog; the number is a whole lot more than I figure.) The editors talked about Trump delivering his speech "to the bars, barns and bowling alleys of America, speaking to the people who have felt so long ignored." Later, they added, "...the discontent and disconnect felt by the country's middle and their weariness with the elitists who control their fate yet have no clue about how they live." (Now I'm convinced a lot more folks read my blog!) "They may not understand what's he's [Trump] is talking about on the coasts, but they sure do in the flyover country."
Trump himself said, "Today we are transferring power from Washington, DC and giving it back to you, the people." To which the editors wrote, "A few of those on the steps (the elitists on the steps of the Capitol) seemed to be looking around for the guillotines." Now that's a great line--as good as that radio caller.
And both the newspaper and online sources cited the "protests" and "demonstrations." There were photographs, esp a vivid one of a burning limousine. First, let's call these people what they are, felons. Then let's identify them, round them up (more than 200 already arrested; let's not let them off of the hook), prosecute them, and both lock them up and make them pay for the damage they've inflicted. The President probably should stick his nose into what is local law enforcement (although that didn't seem to stop the Obama Administration), perhaps he could apply a little executive pressure......
Hundreds of thousands, mostly women, are marching in protest in DC today. I understand. Trump's language has been caddy/catty. I think there can be serious questions about his treatment of women, although I have no direct proof, only questions. I understand the protests/demonstrations. (Keep them nonviolent!) Yet I still wonder in matters like this where similar protests were before, say, while Bill Clinton was President. Selective anger and protest leads to diminished credibility.
I'm still behind on my ideas on higher education, which I had planned to post a couple of days ago. I think I am too busy for a retired guy! I'll try to get to those later next week.
Saturday, January 21, 2017
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1 comment:
The one thing that I have taken away from these protests are that people are very selfish. They are only concerned about their own little world and no one else. The minorities are concerned about the minorities. The LBGTQ worries about how they will be treated. The women are concerned only with their issues. Nobody cares about the big picture. What about world peace, terrorism, education? Everyone has their own little niche. And they think the last 8 years have improved our status? All we have done is dumbed down everything! As I said before, Trump's speech gave me hope and a renewed sense of pride. None, not any of the protesters offer any form of solution.
As as far as the talking head elitist radio announcers, they use the bully pulpit to degrade callers. How is that respectful of anyone 's rights. You are correct, the middle of the country had spoken. The farmers, mechanics, factory workers are tired of
being talked down to. I have more respect for someone that can swing a hammer or turn a wrench more than some phony that can manipulate a spreadsheet. Maybe America has finally awakened.
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