Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Double Standards

How long before some NBA player puts this name on the back of his jerseys or before some NFL player does the same?  The name?  One of the LA deputies who were ambushed in their squad car last week.  Either one, but especially the woman officer who, while wounded multiple times in the head and elsewhere, called in the emergency and performed first aid on her partner.  What NBA or NFL player will have the decency, the guts to display this heroine's name?  If Las Vegas were to place odds on such a display, my guess they would be zero.  

Yet, these ignorant players continue to spout and wear the often trite words of the protesters who tried to block the hospital where these deputies were transported after being shot.  As of yet, I haven't heard a single professional athlete publicly denounce the ambush.  Not a one has called for people--family, friends, neighbors--to help apprehend this shooter, that is, to provide information that can lead to the shooter's apprehension.

But what would one expect from these athletes who backed down from criticism of the commie government in China--human rights abuses, genocide, etc.?  You mean take a stand, even against its own mealy-mouthed league?  Ha Ha Ha.  No, these multi-millionaires are too busy ranting against white privilege.  Taking a real stand might endanger their millions.

I heard some radio guy once declare, "If [whatever group he said] didn't have double standards, it wouldn't have any standards at all."  I chuckled, but there is truth in that.  I was thinking of this the other day, trying to make sense of the "defund the police" idiocy.  (No, I can't make sense of it.)  So we are to believe, according to all these protesters, that all police officers are bad, deliberately targeting and looking to murder blacks, etc.  Yep, all of them.  Otherwise why defund entire departments?  But, we are admonished, don't label as violent all of the protesters in Portland, Seattle, Kenosha, DC, Lancaster, etc.  It's claimed, 95% of the protesters are peaceful.  (I don't believe it, but for the sake of argument, I'll let that slide.)  So don't characterize all the protesters because of the actions of a few.  We heard the same thing about Muslims.  Don't condemn all of  Islam because of the doings of the Taliban, Hezbollah, Hamas, and other Islamists.  (I didn't, but that's not my point here.)  Why, then, are all police officers the object of these "peaceful protesters?"

Trivial, perhaps, but why were a certain governor and Speaker of the House able to have their hair done, while the "great unwashed" couldn't visit a hairdresser or barber?  For that matter, to play fair, why is it OK to portray the Star-Spangled Banner (the flag) in nontraditional ways (The Blue Line Flag), but not so OK to sign the Star-Spangled Banner (the national anthem) in nontraditional ways (Marvin Gaye, Jose Feliciano, et al)?  It seems the people who support the former really detest the latter.  Why?  I think both are perfectly fine.

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