Tuesday, September 29, 2020
Random Thoughts on an Early Autumn AM
For years I have said and written that Americans, by voting, get what they deserve and, unfortunately, I get it, too. I read an article this AM that underscored that, although the author was a bit more crude about it. He called it "the idiocracy," who with the help of Big Tech and the Lamestream media, have allowed the politicians and bureaucracy (Big Government) to "outnumber and outgun (financially)" us. Is it unreasonable of me to want to live my life unfettered with government dictates, such as what kind of television, toilet, light bulbs, healthy insurance, and soon cars I must buy? Is it unreasonable for me to want to keep more of the money I have earned rather than having it taken (stolen in the name of taxation) by a government which has a considerably rotten record of wasting most of it? Is it unreasonable of me to expect government to enforce all of the laws it has passed, not just the ones those currently in power favor? (Why can some people get away with looting, committing arson, destroying public and other private property, but others who may try to avoid paying income taxes have the heavy hand of Big Government land on them?) The list goes on, almost endlessly.
I recenly was told of a person who was very upset, quite put out, with seeing a Trump campaign sign that included, "No More Bull....." Apparently the biggest concern was "Kids will see it," the reference to "Bull....." I didn't have a chance to confront this woman or I'd have asked, "What did you think of Governor Whitmer's campaign slogan, '...and I'll fix the damn roads?'" Logic tells us a lot more "kids" heard "damn roads" than will see this guy's Trump sign. I think I know what the response to my question would be, "But that's different." Well, no it's not, but it does tell me a lot about this person. "It's OK when my side does it, but the other side can't." To me, both "Bull...." and "damn" are wrong and, frankly, despicable.
"Our democracy is firmly rooted in the principles of an informed electorate which makes decisions at the polls based on reason and beliefs over lies and deception,” Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel said in a statement. She is opening an investigation into a petition drive which seeks to limit the state's governor's broad, overreaching "emergency executive orders." Apparently some pro-Whitmer bobble heads are claiming fraud in the effort to gather petition signatures. I don't know about any fraudulent tactics. My signature wasn't gained by "lies and deception." (And my votes aren't influence by Russians or Chinese or.....) So, when is Nessel going to start investigations of politicians, of their campaign "promises" and ads? Talk about "lies and deception!" I think we know the answer to that one, too.
"Politics, a profession whose main skill seems to be lying." I forgot where I read that or who said/wrote it. In poll after poll, members of Congress and other politicians are cited as being the least trusted people/profession. We just laugh at the campaign promises they make--and continue to vote for the liars. I'm only half joking when I suggest that the campaign liars should be investigated for fraud. I guess I can only shake my head when so many people distrust politicians, yet have so meekly have followed their directives--shutdowns, quarantines, masks, etc.--regarding the Corona virus. Why do these people still believe "They're saving lives?" It's as if they spit in our faces, tell us it's raining, and we fall for it--again and again.
So, it appears the Democrats will use Amy Coney Barrett's Catholicism as a way to try to block her confirmation. Hmmm. I don't know if it's true, but more than one person has told me that Joe Biden claims to be a devout Catholic. (Which leads to the question of how a "devout Catholic" can support abortion. He attends mass each Sunday and carries a rosary in his pocket. So, why is Barrett's faith in question when Biden's is not? I suppose I know the answer to that. "But that's different." And can it really be true that the opposition to her confirmation are really going to try to portray her adoption of several children, including a couple from Haiti, as a character flaw?
All this madness reminds me of two tunes. One is Barry McGuire's "Eve of Destruction" in the '60s, "This whole crazy world is just too frustratin'." (I can still hear his gravelly voice in my head!) The other is the drum and fife ditty played by Cornwallis's band when he surrendered to George Washington at Yorktown, "The World Turned Upside Down." (No, I'm old, but not old enough to hear the British drummers and fifers in my head!)
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1 comment:
Those hearings are going to be a debacle. Not even worth watching. We will learn nothing.
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