Tuesday, October 13, 2020

"We Have to Come Together?"

The other day I listened to Democrat Congresswoman (Can I write that, Congresswoman?) Debbie Dingell say Americans "have to come together, to unite" at this pivotal time in our history. She added "United we stand; divided we fall." I waited for the radio host (I don't know who it was.) to ask, "But wait a minute, Congresswoman. Hasn't it been your party that has been among the leaders in dividing our people and country?" He should have pointed out that even before Trump was inaugurated, the Democrats were plotting to get rid of Trump, through impeachment or whatever. "That doesn't seem to me to be an act of union. Can you explain how it is so?" Nope, the host didn't ask any of that. He could have, in a civil manner, but either didn't think of it or is a bobble head. Oh, these hosts talk a big game until they get the luminaries on their shows. Then they throw them softballs. Then Joe Biden visited Michigan. In speaking about CoVid, the economy, and more, he too echoed, "We have to come together....." Why don't the so-called journalists (instead of party opeatives?) ask him about his party's divisive measures since November 2016? In other elections, the losing party has accepted the results and worked as an opposition, but not the way the Democrats have. "Can you explain that, Mr. Biden?" It all reminded me of that platitude, "We're all in this together," echoed again and again the past six months regarding the Corona Virus. It seems to me "we have to come together if it's what the arrogant elitists want." It is easy to see that being "in this together" is garbage; a lot of people are not "in this" at all, have not faced nearly the sacrifices, the losses, etc. that many of us have. Jefferson, in his first Inaugural Address, wrote/said after a particularly acrimonious campaign vs the incumbent John Adams (who, by the way, left Washington DC the day before the Inauguration), "We are all Republicans (his party). We are all Federalists." He meant we are all Americans. He stressed unity and acted on that, refusing to use the Federalists' own laws (The Alien and Sedition Acts) against them. Ah, that history stuff just gets in the way. Isn't it interesting that the same people who are up in arms about the 13 (or whatever the number is now) guys who plotted to kidnap Governor Whitmer have remained silent about the "peaceful protesters", that is, the rioters who loot and plunder, burn, assault, and even murde? Yep, if the kidnap plotters are found guilty, jail them and throw away the keys. At the same time, it couldn't be that difficult to identify those committing arson, looting, etc. They have rioted mostly with impunity, little action being taken against them for how many months? Talk about encouraging bad behavior! Many of them post what they've done and/or are going to do on social media (I detest that term!) sites. They, too, should be arrested and tried. If convicted, lock them up and throw away the keys. A discussion arose on one of my e-mail list serves about the long-term effects of CoVid. We don't know what effects the virus will have on people five or ten or more years from now. We can't know. We don't know. So, that argument goes, because we don't know, we have to continue with the masks, social distancing (There's another term I have come to detest.), quarantine/shutdown, etc. But those who argue this way make my point for me. We don't know. Maybe, in fact, exposure today may not have any bad effects later on people's health. Yet, we do know the damage being done by masks, social distancing (I still detest that term, two lines later.), quarantine/shutdown, etc. A lot of people are being harmed--now. I'm not talking of economics and the ruin the shutdown is having on millions, although I don't diminish or dismiss that the way a lot of people do. They say, "Oh, you're just being greedy." I guess that's an easy thing to utter when the speaker hasn't lost income or even a job. But consider, for instance, children now not being in normal school. There is ample evidence that they are harmed not only educationally (and many of them are at the peak years of their learning potentials), but physically, socially, and psychologicially. Consider, too, the spikes in suicides and domestic murders, alcoholism and drug usage. How many cancer, heart disease, and other such deaths could have been prevented had regular check-ups not been suspended--by executive orders that were claimed to be "saving lives?" The list goes on. But the bobble heads can't be convinced. With the collusion (ha ha ha) of the media, a large segment of the population has been cowed into lives of fear. And it, seems, a lot of those bobble heads seem content to give up their liberties so easily to "save lives."

1 comment:

guslaruffa said...

We no longer have any sel respecting news reporters. All have an agenda, some acting on their own, some under company orders. With so much information out there it’s impossible to know the truth.
Yes, why do they press the President for an answer if he will accept the election results when the Democrats have tried for three years to oust him.
Why do we accept everything that is Covid related? If anything has ever been used as a weapon of control, I know of nothing like this. The virus was dropped in the laps of the Democrats and they ran with it. We are certainly in for some tough times.
On a lighter note, Amy Coney Barrett is a breath of fresh air. What an amazing woman.