Friday, October 23, 2020

The Election

The Presidential election is a week and a half away. Finally! My brain tells me I have no idea of the outcome. But my gut keeps saying it will be a Trump landslide, both in the popular vote and the Electrical College. I have no solid basis for that gut feeling, none at all. Regardless, when I awaken on November 4th, I'm pretty sure it will be with a feeling of deep malaise regardless of the winner. I can't imagine voting for Joe Biden; I really can't. I'm especially intrigued by the Biden/Harris signs in the yards of mansions, houses on the lakes with a couple of boats docked, etc. Biden and the Democrats want to take all that away. There isn't a Democrat who hasn't loved any tax he or she met. If those people, the mansion owers with Biden/Harris signs, think they can afford to pay more taxes for government to waste, good for them. But the solution is not to force the rest of us to pay taxes, whether our opposition is philosophical, financial, or whatever. The answer is for these Democrats to voluntarily pay more taxes, bequeath their money to the government. It's been done and can be done. Why do I doubt that will happen? There are many other reasons why I can't see voting for Biden, not at all. In fact, I can't see any reason for voting for him, not even intense dislike of Trump. OK, that's not exactly accurate. For some people, having a "D" behind a candidate's name is all that matters. This saves them from doing any thinking. That the voters of Delaware kept returning Biden to the US Senate does not speak favorably of them. I don't know if the Hunter Biden revelations will have any bearing. I do think they are not, as some people, both Democrat and Republican, have claimed, "a distraction." I guess a good question is why they have arisen now. If I recall, some journalists (Ben Gleck?) were reporting this month, maybe a year or more, ago. Not many paid attention. Will that also be the case now? It seems scandals only stick to certain candidates. Harris brings nothing to the ticket, at least nothing to remotely attract my vote. In fact, I would suggest she detracts from it further. I heard someone a while back say, "I like Harris." I asked why that was so, but the answer was, "I don't really know." Great. Just great. Again, it says nothing complimentary about the voters of California that she was elected to so many offices (including the US Senate) there. That said, I really couldn't bring myself to vote for Trump--either time. I've explained why more than once. I fully understand why people vote for him, although the rabid support he often gets befuddles me. Here is an article that I think should be read by all voters. The author, a Christian minister, explains what I've been saying for years. (You may have to copy and paste this into your browser.) In effect, the pastor is saying, "Evil is evil." I forget which book of the New Testament cites God, "If you accept me, you will not accept evil." Of course, those who haven't agreed with me over the years will also dismiss this minister's ideas. I know many folks have suggested by writing in a candidate's name or voting for a minor party candidate, I am "wasting" my vote. I really could not disagree more. First, I think that continuing to vote for "the lesser of two evils" is really "wasting" one's vote. Second, give me a candidate worth voting for, not the junk we've been given the past few decades. Third, I claim that my vote is more precious to me than it is to others who merely accept what the Democrats and Republicans throw at us election after election--nationally, state-wide, locally. I'm not looking for a perfect candidate, hardly. There are none out there. I can find flaws in all possible candidates, as I can find a lot of flaws in me. None will agree with my views on everything. If someone asks me about candidates I might favor, no doubt they will point to this or that--flaws. Yep, none of them are perfect. But I am looking for someone who is not evil. And I refuse to consider degrees of evilness. Evil is evil. "Choosing between the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil." We can disagree on that. This is America. There seems to be a deep disconnect (I really don't like that word, but if it fits.....) between the polls and other data. Where virtually all election polls show Biden leading, even by double figures, other polls paint a different picture. More than half of likely voters now give Trump a favorable rating. And close to 60% of the people think they are better off today than they were four years ago. And this includes the shutdowns forced on us by mostly Democrat politicians and their bureaucrats. I don't really believe the polls and never have. In 1936, some polls showed Alf Landon winning an upset victory over Franklin Roosevelt. In the end, FDR won 46 of the then 48 states, with all but eight of the Electrical College votes. Polling samples then were very wrong. Perhaps that is what is happening today, too.

1 comment:

Mark said...

As Dennis Prager says on his daily broadcast, if you needed a brain surgeon you wouldn't go for the one you like the best, you'd go for the best one out there, regardless of whether you like him or not. I don't like many thigs about Trump, but for the issues I care about he has so far been the best President of my lifetime, Reagan included.