Thursday, December 3, 2020

Walter Williams

I received word yesterday that Walter Williams died. Dr. Williams was one of the foremost economists and social philosophers of our time. (I'm not sure, but he might bristle at being called a "social philosopher.") Some people have described Williams as a conservative. Others labeled him a libertarian. If I remember, he himself once said, "I just want to be left alone." That is, he didn't want Big Government to take care of him. Like me, Williams didn't like other people, through Big Government, to tell him what to do. Williams was absolutely brilliant and remember I don't toss around such an accolade haphazardly. He had the ability to make things, economics or whatnot, easier to see and understand. And he was witty, a very funny man who often used humor to make his points. Is it any wonder he was a great teacher? Professor Williams taught his last class, a 7:30 AM Economics course!, the day before he died. One of his former students once said he believed his professor would be teaching until the day he died. Indeed. He was known to many as an author, of countless articles and a few dozen books, and as a substitute radio host. If you've not had the pleasure of knowing Williams' thoughts, here is a list of some of them, in shorter quotations: He was also quite the courageous man, from his upbringing in poverty, through the discrimination he faced as a black man, and on to the opinions he held that flew in the face of conventional (and wrong) "black thinking" (that is, that of Jesse Jackson, Barack Obama, Al Sharpton, etc.) If you read from just that list of shorter quotations, you'll clearly see that. We can only guess at how much better off black Americans would be had they followed the teachings of Walter Willams (and Thomas Sowell) instead of the panderings of Jackson, Sharpton, and Obama. I mentioned to some folks that it would be great to sit down to have lunch or dinner with Walter Williams and Thomas Sowell. I think I'd just say "Hello" and then shut up to listen to these two great thinkers. Thank you, Walter Williams. Rest in peace.