Friday, September 4, 2009

Grocery Shopping

Yesterday at Meijers, the checkout counter, the talk was, well, quite "extreme." And, no one was wearing a swastika, nobody was "dressed too well," etc. I seriously doubt any of them had been sent there by some troublemaking group to complain at the checkout.

I don't know how it started, but when I got there, people were ripping all over "cap and tax." From the cashier to the woman pensioner to me and everyone in between, the talk was very negative toward what government is doing. "If they pass this, it's out for them next election," one of the Nazis, er, extremists said. "They are ruining it for us," added another. "They just spend, spend, spend." Nobody looked uncomfortable with the talk. Nobody spoke up in opposition. In fact, there were nods all around and most people chimed in with their own criticism of recent actions by our out-of-touch government.

So, the radicals have invaded Meijers now, I guess. I think maybe I'll forward this along to my two US Senators, too.

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